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Cowl gutter seal 1959 Cadillac Coupe De Ville.

Started by X20, June 25, 2016, 04:50:51 PM

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Does anyone know a supplier who has the correct cowl gutter seals for a 62 series 1959 Coupe De Ville.

Have tried a set from Steele Rubber that they have listed for a 1959 75 series, assuming it would fit a 1959 62 series, but as you can see in the picture it doesn't...quite

The Steele Rubber 75 series version has 4 fixing hole where the original appeared to have only two.

Have tried numerous suppliers but so far have only been able to track down the 75 Series four hole version.

Maybe this the nearest to original spec. that is actually reproduced?


The ones on both the 59 and 60 series 62 convertible have 2 fasteners. Not sure how they differ from a coupe. The 75 series cars often lag body style wise a year behind. In other words the 59 75 series might closer resemble a 58. I found Steele rubber parts listed for a 75 series 61 fit my 59. Here are pictures off my cars hope it helps.
Randy George CLC# 26143
1959 Series 62 Convertible
1960 Series 62 Convertible
1964 Deville Convertible
2015 SRX


Thanks for the information.  They certainly look like the correct ones.

OPG have these listed for a 1959 75 series...

However, these are very different from the ones I received from Steele Rubber, which were also listed for a 75 Series. The ones listed by OPG have the two fixing holes, not four.

I did call OPG to see if these actually would fit a '59 Coupe De Ville and was told they wouldn't. I think they were my eye they looks like they would.

Just to add even more confusion, they also said that the picture on their listing of these two holed seals were  for a '61/'62 only and had been listed by mistake???

So all pretty confusing. 


I found that both those vendors are not real Cadillac guys and just go off what their catalog says. Truth is OPGI is probable reselling Steele parts. If OPGI parts they say is for a 61 75 series it may work. The vent windows heights are different between models but the convt one may work on the coupe. I will see if I can find anymore info in my stuff.
Randy George CLC# 26143
1959 Series 62 Convertible
1960 Series 62 Convertible
1964 Deville Convertible
2015 SRX


You're right the OPGI ones are made by Steele Rubber.

It would appear Steele Rubber actually make 3 different cowl gutter seals...

1.  A four hole version which they list for 1959 75 Series that definitely doesn't fit a 1959 Coupe De Ville.

2.  A  two hole version that they sell on to OPGI and list for 1959 - 1965 75 Series that probably would fit a 1959 Coupe De Ville.

3   And finally this one...

A version with no holes at all...presumably you punch your own...which they list for numerous years and makes including a 1961 Cadillac Two Door Hard Top.

My guess at this stage is that either version 2 or 3 would fit a 1959 Cadillac Coupe De Ville.

BTW you are also right about these sellers complete lack of anything remotely like specialist knowledge. When you call for more detail or clarification they inevitably read back verbatim the limited information you have already read for yourself on their website. Not particularly helpful.


Quick transpires that in fact non of the above are correct for a 1959 Coupe De Ville.

Spoke to a very helpful guy called Mark at Cadillac Parts and Restoration in New York.

The 1959 and 1960 Coupe De Ville's cowl gutter seals were not separate pieces as on most other years, but integral to the roof rail seal, as seen here...

Mystery solved...hopefully.


Just wondering, did the last option work out ?