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1957 parking brake spring under the car

Started by Alex053, July 07, 2016, 11:19:49 PM

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Does anyone have a picture of how the relay lever goes back together?  I have the service manual and everything looks good but I can't figure out how the spring should go back on. This is what happens when it takes 2 months to get the correct tail shaft housing.
1957 Coupe Deville - Mountain Laurel with a white roof

Walter Youshock

There's a pretty good drawing in the shop manual.  One end of the spring attaches to a hole in the frame and the other to the relay.
CLC #11959 (Life)
1957 Coupe deVille
1991 Brougham


i saw that but it doesn't seem to line up.  almost like the spring is too long or its in the wrong hole.  i know it was a PITA to get off and was under tension but now it seems like the barrel of the spring is right on top of the relay and doesn't need to be stretched out.

ill get under there and give it another go its just so dang hot in AZ right now!!
1957 Coupe Deville - Mountain Laurel with a white roof