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37 LaSalle trunk handle

Started by Lou Kish, October 13, 2017, 08:10:08 PM

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Lou Kish

Need a good/serviceable trunk handle for a 37 Series 50 LaSalle.  Thanks for checking.  Lou
Lou Kish - 1937 LaSalle opera coupe


Hi Lou

Check with John who goes by 1937 LaSalle coupe. I was looking for a rumble seat handle and he had a trunk handle that he thought might work but the shafts were different. 


Lou Kish

Hello Joann,
Thank you so much for giving me a lead.  I will contact him shortly and hopefully he has one he is able to part with.  I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, I was out of town.
Best regards,
Lou Kish - 1937 LaSalle opera coupe

Lou Kish

I have not heard back from John @1937 LaSalle coupe, so if anyone out there has a trunk handle or knows where one might exist, please give me a shout.
Lou Kish - 1937 LaSalle opera coupe

Steve Passmore

John Lehman was posting as recently as the start of this month?? Hope he's OK.

1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe

1937 LaSalle coupe

Hello Lou. I have decided not to sell my spare trunk handle. Sorry, keep looking on EBAY. About once a year one comes up. Good luck... John C. Lehman... CLC # 26365...

Lou Kish

Dear Sir,

I appreciate you getting back to me.  I will keep searching.  I have one, but it is pretty rough.  Thanks anyway.

Lou Kish - 1937 LaSalle opera coupe