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1948 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Imperial for sale, Barn Find!

Started by grdell10048!, March 11, 2018, 10:46:21 PM

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Bobby B

Quote from: Steve Passmore on March 18, 2018, 09:34:46 AM
I think peoples general view about this ad is based on the fact it's been 6 days since it was posted with no further response from him. If it were me I would be checking in every day and responding to critics.

   Hi. And good point, because if it were my car, I would be shooting down all naysayers daily in lieu of trying to justify the sale. A response would at least prove that you're legitimate and willing to listen to what people in the know have to say. It might even help you along with the sale.....
1947 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible Coupe
1968 Mustang Convertible
1973 Mustang Convertible
1969 Jaguar E-Type Roadster
1971 Datsun 240Z
1979 H-D FLH


I understand your viewpoint very well. I have spent way too much time on forums and searching Craigs List and such for cars, it's a hobby of mine.  Yes occasionally I am wrong but I own my comments.  Everytime I ask the questions I ask to get clarification, there are comments from your viewpoint - "what would new members think if they come on the forum and see comments like yours?"   

I think as long as everyone is civil, one person's viewpoint is as valid and thought provoking as another.

Steve's right. We are getting crickets from this seller.  ...and when he does come back on and reads all of these he is going to say Bobby, Bryan, Steve etc are 'mean' and he won't bother with us anymore.  Occasionally they apologize, we apologize and the world becomes right.

...also I have seen many times that there are no comments on an ad like this, the original poster comes on and yells at the forum for not buying or commenting on the said car.  "I can't believe there is no interest in my car!" sort of comment.   Well, we are all being polite and making no comment about price or such and are accused of NOT commenting!   


Quote from: piperman on March 18, 2018, 08:04:46 AM
Yea, I wish the market on theses cars was better. I bought a 1949 Series 75 15 years ago for $800 all original, with unique star single lights. Can't see fixing it up. Will just drive it as a barn find. There are a lot of stories about barn finds out there. Sadly, most are not worth a whole lot. I can't even give away the old engine parts.

I envy you - especially when you stated "I will just drive it the way it is" !  Even that would make the $800 seem like money well spent!  Can't you pick off a need once a year and improve the car and still only be into it $15,000 or so after 10 years? 

Bobby B

Quote from: BJM on March 18, 2018, 11:47:16 AM

Well, we are all being polite and making no comment about price or such and are accused of NOT commenting!

That's one of the problems..There is no price. A.K.A. Phishing.......
1947 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible Coupe
1968 Mustang Convertible
1973 Mustang Convertible
1969 Jaguar E-Type Roadster
1971 Datsun 240Z
1979 H-D FLH


Who is this TOM guy who sounds like the voice of reason, while others are spewing their venom and their flaming rhetoric.
I recall this same sort of burn'm at the stake vigilante talk when the 53 Eldo came up for sale at $95Kish.

At the end of the day, who cares what he bought the car for.
Who cares if he is just fishing.
Are you in the market for the car and have the ability or desire to restore it; because if not, who cares.
Some times I feel that this forum is too often used to vent the most recent experience of "Road Rage" - the somebody did me wrong, songs.

Hope the guy sells the car and as a result keeps another crush candidate from meeting an unhappy end - because I do care.
Have fun,
Steve B.
S. Butcher

Thomas Lindholm CLC#13781

The replies on this Cadillac ad make me really wonder if this is a club for me, what have this guy done? He is just trying to sell a car to other Cadillac enthusiasts but boy what you give him shit. What ever he paid for the car what does it have to do with it? If any one want to spend his last bucks on it so what? I have bought more than 10 cars from USA but never asked the seller what he paid for them and all of them have probably been much worse than this one. If you don't have the skill to do a full restoration your self why try to tell others that can do it how expensive and impossible it is? I have done both a 41 and a 47 Convertible that are expensive cars and the figures you are talking about can only be if you just sit there and watch other build a car for you and you don't do anything
Thomas Lindholm CLC#13781


Wow, Tough crowd.

Asking price is currently $8,500.  If you are interested please contact me.

More pictures are included with this message.


Last couple of pictures included here.  Have all wheel caps and fender skirts.

Just trying to sell a car here.  It is also posted on craigslist now, and ebay soon.



In an attempt to answer some of the crowds questions:

1) Interested in seeing the car remain whole and owned by an auto enthusiast. Not "parted out".
2) This is the first classic Cadillac I have owned and selling here first as I assumed the readers would share a passion for the Make/Model of the car.
3) Yes, I an interested in making a profit but not interested in gouging anyone.
4) The car will need restoration, at the level of the owners choosing.
5) The car is not critically damaged in any way.  frame is not rotted, cracked, or damaged in an accident.  Surface rust is from sitting on a dirt floor barn for 45 years.  Mold and mildew in the interior is same.  Engine and frame are matching.  I removed oil pan and can confirm internals of engine are not damaged.  The engine will not rotate (yet) but I am soaking all of the combustion chambers and will get if freed as time permits.  Once again car has been sitting for a long time...
6) Car rolls freely, I have not pulled any of the drums or inspected the rear axle at this time.
7) Brake pedal functions and stops the wheels from rotating.



  I particularly love the Series 75 limousines.  I am doing my father's 1949 limousine right now, a little piece at a time.  Yes, this is a tough crowd, and can be very critical, not just to sellers. You have a solid car.  It appears to be all there which is a good start. A running-driving car would bring more but if you want to let it sell as is, I would clean it as best as you can, the windows, carefully clean the engine compartment (cover the distributor and generator in plastic first), and vacuum the interior. Don't get any water in the open windows and watch for leaking windows (especially that back window). Dry it well and air it out.  Someone else will see its potential, so hang in there.  There are some classic car selling sites that charge about $90/6 months advertising.  Good luck!
1970 Buick Electra Convertible
1956 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
1949 Cadillac Series 75 Imperial Limousine
1979 Lincoln Continental
AACA, Cadillac-LaSalle Club #24591, ASWOA

Barry M Wheeler #2189

The skirt (s?) are valuable as is the rear antenna and matching radio parts. So be very careful that no one "messes"
with the antenna. I agree with the poster above. Make it look as nice as you can. That way a prospective buyer can see the possibilities, not the problems.
Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville