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1956 Generator Light/Charging Issue

Started by chstitans42, March 29, 2018, 11:09:00 AM

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Alright guys, the generator in my 56 SDV stopped charging. Here is the sad story.
I had an exhaust leak on my passenger exhaust manifold, so in order to repair it, I had to remove the generator to get access. I STUPIDLY unhooked the generator wires without disconnecting the battery. I believe that did something inside the generator to make it not work.
I bought a different voltage regulator and that did not help. I also followed the "polarization instructions, connecting the Arm terminal to the BAT terminal for a moment to polarize the generator, that did no help either. I ever threw on a generator from my parts car, and no dice. The shop manual is useless because you have to have some magic machine in order to get any kind of readings, which I am sure doesn't exist anymore.

Is there anything I can do to the generator(s) that I have to make them work? I think my only course of action right now is to take it to be rebuild at a shop that specializes in these things. Any help would be appreciated!!

J. Gomez

Quote from: chstitans42 on March 29, 2018, 11:09:00 AM
Alright guys, the generator in my 56 SDV stopped charging. Here is the sad story.
I had an exhaust leak on my passenger exhaust manifold, so in order to repair it, I had to remove the generator to get access. I STUPIDLY unhooked the generator wires without disconnecting the battery. I believe that did something inside the generator to make it not work.
I bought a different voltage regulator and that did not help. I also followed the "polarization instructions, connecting the Arm terminal to the BAT terminal for a moment to polarize the generator, that did no help either. I ever threw on a generator from my parts car, and no dice. The shop manual is useless because you have to have some magic machine in order to get any kind of readings, which I am sure doesn't exist anymore.

Is there anything I can do to the generator(s) that I have to make them work? I think my only course of action right now is to take it to be rebuild at a shop that specializes in these things. Any help would be appreciated!!

OMG Welcome back stranger, I though you exchanged your Caddy for a boat with all of the rain we had this year..!  ;D

If you removed the two wires from the generator “A” and “F” without disconnecting the battery it should not had damage the generator. There are no internal parts e.g. diodes, modules like an alternator would have, just the brushes and the windings.

If you need to test the generator is properly working you can bench tested by connection a 12V and turning it as a motor.

Connect the -12V to the metal housing and the +12V to the “A” the generator should turn (like a regular DC motor).

If you repeat the same step and then move the +12V over to the “F” while it is spinning the generator should stop abruptly.

These are just a quick and duty test. ;)

If you need to have it rebuilt there is a shop by me around the Lewisville area that should tackle the rebuild.
J. Gomez
CLC #23082


Thanks for the reply!
So I went to test the generator using the test outlines above, and the genny turned maybe one turn and then quit. I thought I had a bad ground, but everytime I connected the positive cable to the A terminal I got a bunch of sparks and the generator would turn just a tiny bit. Sure was not like the video I found on YouTube!!

So what is the next step? Do I go and get it rebuilt?

I also have a generator with the double pulley that I will be using for my ac system when I get around to installing that. Should I have them rebuild that one? Or can the pulleys be changed pretty easily?

J. Gomez

Quote from: chstitans42 on March 29, 2018, 04:32:29 PM
Thanks for the reply!
So I went to test the generator using the test outlines above, and the genny turned maybe one turn and then quit. I thought I had a bad ground, but everytime I connected the positive cable to the A terminal I got a bunch of sparks and the generator would turn just a tiny bit. Sure was not like the video I found on YouTube!!

So what is the next step? Do I go and get it rebuilt?

I also have a generator with the double pulley that I will be using for my ac system when I get around to installing that. Should I have them rebuild that one? Or can the pulleys be changed pretty easily?


Well friend the bad news is it is time for that one to see the rebuild doctor.  ;)

You can test the spare one the same way to make sure and installed it if it test fine. You can leave the dual pulley in place or swap it with the single one. Dual pulley are rare so I would suggest leave it on the spare. 
J. Gomez
CLC #23082


I installed the spare one I had and it did not charge at all. Jose would you be willing to trade me your good generator for the two that I have? One does have the double pulley.

J. Gomez

Quote from: chstitans42 on March 29, 2018, 05:00:45 PM
I installed the spare one I had and it did not charge at all. Jose would you be willing to trade me your good generator for the two that I have? One does have the double pulley.


I just left a vmail give me a shout to chat about your problem, easier than via emails/posts, I'm curious about your dilemma. ???
J. Gomez
CLC #23082

Jeff Rosansky CLC #28373

Is it possible that something caused the points in the regulator to stick?
Jeff Rosansky
CLC #28373
1970 Coupe DeVille (Big Red)
1955 Series 62 (Baby Blue)
Dad's new 1979 Coupe DeVille


Hey Ben, rock Auto sells rebuild parts for the generators.  I don't think it's beyond your skills.  Haven't done one myself but I have taken one apart.  Pretty basic.  WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG??!?(famous last words).
1950 series 61 sedan
1956 coupe de ville


Thanks to Jose, I was able to find a good working Generator and now my charging issue is fixed! I believe it was a combination of a loose wire, and also a 60 year old generator that was about to die. The reason I think that is because my battery charges about a whole volt higher than it used to with the old Generator. Hats off to Jose, who was very willing to help another Cadillac owner out! If any of you guys need a quality guy to help rebuild you old electronic Cadillac components, he is your man!!