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500 Cubic Inch Cadillac Engine & Transmission

Started by carlhungness, October 19, 2018, 06:17:21 PM

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      I have what I believe to be is a 500 cubic inch Cadillac engine 1974-76,number stamped on block is 148620, transmission still attached. I purchased this combination about 20 years ago and it has been sitting in the engine bay of my '37 LaSalle ever since. Will sell for $350. I am in Madison, IN The car has been in dry storage for all this time and I am going to replace the engine. I have not heard it run. No carb, alternator, etc.
Carl Hungness
812 273-2472

"Cadillac Kid" Greg Surfas 15364

With that block casting number it could be a 1974 472.  That was a one year only motor. Suggest you pull a spark plug and measure the stroke while turning the motor over. The 472 would be worth far less than the 500, primarily because the 500 crank if good is much more in demand.
Greg Surfas
Cadillac Kid-Greg Surfas
Director Modified Chapter CLC
CLC #15364
66 Coupe deVille (now gone to the UK)
72 Eldo Cpe  (now cruising the sands in Quatar)
73 Coupe deVille
75 Coupe deElegance
76 Coupe deVille
79 Coupe de ville with "Paris" (pick up) option and 472 motor
514 inch motor now in '73-