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Barn full of '27-'31 parts

Started by yachtflame, December 06, 2017, 08:57:42 PM

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I'm starting to get either old or lazy! I have a large selection of fenders, front skirts, dust panels and engine splash pans that need to go to make removed before I get too old to move them!
I'm also casting another batch of 1928, 1929 and 1931 door handles/window cranks. If any one is interested in upgrading your old pot metal handles, please contact me soon so I can cast enough for your needs.
As always, I do have a barn full of original parts. Email me with your needs.
  I wish all of you a safe and happy Holiday Season!
Captain Wayne Elsworth
CLC #27957
Wayne Elsworth
CLC #17075


Do you still have 1929 LaSalle parts available?


Quote from: Lasalle29 on March 16, 2019, 09:42:19 PM
Do you still have 1929 LaSalle parts available?

Best to PM direct.  OP not on the forum regularly it appears.


Yes, I have a large amount of original parts for 1927-1931 Cadillacs and Lasalles as well as over 80 molds of the old pot metal parts which I recast in bronze. You can email me at

CLC member 17057
Wayne Elsworth
CLC #17075