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1955 1956 1957 Harrison GM A5 AC compressor, Cadillac $400

Started by V63, October 05, 2022, 10:45:16 PM

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Offering a 1955 1956 1957 GM Harrison A5 compressor. With clutch, dual belt.
(Also have 1958 1959 1960 1961 versions) Original. Never utilized with r134! Always with original 525 mineral oil.

Primitive Bench test seems to test ok with both pressure and suction. Turns easily and smoothly, Clutch electrically activates tested as well. Videos available

This is extremely heavy (40#) so shipping will be a challenge.

$400 as shown in 85009

Cadillac Jack 82

Rare!  Perfect for someone who needs one!  I suspect it might require a rebuild though.

CLC Member #30850

1959 Cadillac CDV "Shelley"
1966 Oldsmobile Toronado "Sienna"

Past Cars

1937 LaSalle Cpe
1940 Chevrolet Cpe
1941 Ford 11Y
1954 Buick 48D
1955 Cadillac CDV
1955 Packard Clipper
1957 Cadillac Series 62
1962 VW Bug
1962 Dodge 880
1964 Cadillac SDV
1966 Mercury Montclair
1967 Buick Wildcat Convertible
1968 Chevy Chevelle SS
1968 Plymouth Barracuda
1977 Lincoln MKV


Martin Pine


I am interested in the A6 if that is what I would need to complete a factory system for a 59 Coupe
Martin Pine