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Forum was ssssllllooooowwww last night

Started by Jeff Hansen, #4225, January 18, 2005, 09:45:03 AM

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Jeff Hansen, #4225

Hello all,

You probably noticed that the Forum was running slowly last night starting around 8:30 PM Eastern time in the US.  I have been in contact with our technical support group and they believe the problem is with our Apache web server.  They have made some suggestions for improving the situation, which I will implement this evening.

Until then, you may experience a recurrence of the slow down.  I apologize in advance if you do.  I will get this cleared up as quickly as possible and keep everyone informed of what is going on.

Thanks in advance for your patience.

Jeff Hansen
Director of Information Technology
Cadillac-LaSalle Club

Andrew 10642


As a former whiner and current big fan of how fast the site is, I appreciate the advisory.  Seems fast now, but I did notice a drag last night.

Thanks for all your efforts on our behalf

Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963

I agree with Andrew, Jeff.  Thank you for all the great work you do and have been doing for the Club and this forum.  I enjoy it greatly!  My slow dialup connection has not allowed me to log on last night and part of today but that passed.  Thanks again.