
Please view the post in the Forum Support forum, it has a poll about making a dark mode (i.e. dark color screens instead of bright white) available. This can be of interest for those that access the forums from a mobile device as dark screens use less battery power. But we need to know whether enough people want this before investing the time to install an extra mode.

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New forums have been created.

Started by Jeff Hansen, #4225, February 15, 2005, 05:11:27 PM

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Jeff Hansen, #4225


I have heard your requests (shouts? screams? <grin>) and there are now two new forums.

The Technical / Authenticity Forum will be where we will have discussions on those topics.  General discussion will remain here.

Also, I have created a Suggestion Forum where we can hold discussions on how to improve the Forums and the website in general.  If you have constructive suggestions on how to make things better, lets talk about them there so we dont clog up this Forum.  Or, if you prefer, email me directly.

For those that have been suggesting this change, please forgive me for the delay.  Im a bit stubborn in my ways.  The goal is (and always has been) to have a quality forum which furthers the goals of the Cadillac-LaSalle Club.  In the spirit of continuous improvement, lets build on this and move forward.

Jeff Hansen
Director of Information Technology
Cadillac-LaSalle Club

Lynn 10923

Would it be possible, or too much to ask, or too much effort, to put links on each forum to the other forums instead of just back to the index?


Porter 21919


Good point, I bookmarked them and stacked them for quick access.

If this modification doesnt satisfy the critics they can always come over to Stampies forum for some hardcore serious Cadillac discussions. (or a good laugh)


Jeff Hansen


That would require a programming change.  It can be done, but not as easily as setting up new forums.  Again, lets take this over to the Suggestion Forum.


Robt.Vonheck via SanDiego Calif.

-Nice try, --but alas no cigar!!  --this approach simply fragments a viable forum to the effect that participation will predictably drop off; --you need to go back and review mine and others suggestions...
~Bob vH  

Porter 21919


Something had to be done to appease the people that found the old system was:lacking,insufficient,cumbersome,to many diverse subjects,etc.

Not that anything bothered me, seems more like they didnt like the content of some of the topics. Some subjects I had no interest in, many others felt otherwise.

I honestly cant understand some of the hostility, everyones needs seem to get satisfied on one forum (in addition to the buy/sell forum) but this seems like a logical solution.


Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Jeff,

I must be old fashioned, but I still like things the way they are, well, "were" up till yesterday that is.

But, wait, I liked things the way it was before we started changing to the present system, and I was still on "dial-up".

I wasnt fond of the idea of the the classifieds going onto another area, so very rarely look at that Forum, and hopefully, I will look at the other Forums, but wont hold my breath.

I "waste" enough time on the computer as it is looking at the Message Board, let alone having to chop and change back and forth to a couple more forum pages.

If things have to change, then I will have to get used to them, like everybody else.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Lynn 10923

At this point it would be a little disjointed to continue this on another whole page. At least this thread anyway. After this thread Ill go over there for suggestions.

I had bookmarked straight to this forum, and would frequently forget the buy/sell forum is even there. And if someone happens to find one or another of these forums without finding the main index page, whats to let them know there are other related forums right around the corner? I know, it says Forum Index up there, but its not inherently obvious that there are more forums here. If links arent available right away, how about at least a note mentioning to newcomers that there are other forums for other topics here too.


Mike #19861

OK, my question answered. I should have scrolled down a bit farther.

I will give it a go. See what happens. Im glad in a way, since some topics have been getting longwinded and go on forever. It made it hard to locate the posts with technical merit, and some would get lost.


Porter 21919


Some guys like those long winded posts, the ones that contributed to them anyway, even some that didnt.

Give it a few weeks and if we take a poll on the new format we can start another longwinded one. And no one could complain about it either, on the segregated Discussion Forum.
