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Is this 57 Caddy a good deal?

Started by Brian McRae, July 06, 2005, 07:09:33 AM

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Brian McRae

Theres a 57 Cadillac Series 62 sedan on ebay right now for $3100 with 1 day remaining on auction.  This sure seems like a good deal, even if i can get it for $4000.  Ive been loking for a caddy for under $5000 for some time and this seems to be the best one yet.  im new to the classic car thing adn new to bidding on ebay.  will this car get bid up in the last few hours, do you think?  has anyone ever got a car from canada before?  is it painless? TARGET=_blank>

bye for now...brian

Porter 21919

That is a nice car, it was discussed here in the past by the owner and some members.

Good luck.

Tod - North TX CLC

Go over the Buy-Sell discussion Forum, and you can link to a lot more pictures and details on the car, as the owner was discussing the car over there.

I personally think the car represents a good value, but I will admit that I dont know that much about the 50s Cads, so I am talking through my hat.

Still, a good looking model, and I think a nice color combo for the era.

JIM CLC # 15000

BRAIN, sorry to say, but the "reserve" has been met!
Good Luck, Jim

Brian McRae

Why is having the reserve being met a bad thing?  Perhaps he put the Reserve real low to generate interest.


Porter 21919

It isnt, if it wasnt the car wouldnt sell.

Do you know how to last minute snipe bid ?

JIM CLC # 15000

Brian, RE: your post of 07-06-05 @ 10:11 PM. I had a "senior-moment" and forgot just what "meeting the reserve price" meant. Sorry if I got your heart pumping faster then normal.
Good Luck, Jim

Brian McRae

Last minute snipe bid?   I believe i just put in a bid at the last minute?  is there more to it than that?

Bruce Reynolds # 18992


Sometimes you have to put in the last bid in the final seconds of the auction, but, you still have to be the highest bidder.

Dont forget that the highest bidder at that time, might have put in an even higher proxy bid that might automatically out-biy the snipers bid.   Then it is too late to put in another bid.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Porter 21919

Somebody got a good deal, $ 3,570.

Brent Wagner

Yes, the winning bid came with 1 minute left in the auction.  Car is going to Sweden, yes...Sweden.  I was a little apprensive selling it to someone from Sweden, but he sent a deposit within 24 hours and and Im now waiting for the remianing $.  Definitly got a good deal!

Cheers...BW (a former 57 Cadillac owner)