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Is this really a 78 Eldo convertible?

Started by Dick Heller, July 10, 2005, 10:21:43 AM

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Barry Wheeler #2189

Of course it is. There were some persons with the necessary means to have a conversion shop "make" them a current convertible after the "last" ones were made in 1976. Since parts would still be somewhat readily available, it would not be a really difficult conversion. So, it is a 1978 Cadillac Eldorado convertible...Just not one made by GM. It started life as an Eldo coupe, and a shop lopped the top from it so the "lid" could go down. (That was one of my kids "spoonerisms" from when they were growing up.) Another was "lawning" the grass, and going to the "driveway." Cant remember whether that was going to the drive-in movies or drive-in restaurants. These "Wheelerisms" offered at no charge and hope they will amuse and entertain you.

Yann Saunders, CLC #12588

I don´t believe for one minute that this car left the factory as a convertible or that it was an approved conversion.

Take the vendor´s dscription with the proverbial pinch of salt !

Steve Preston #16375

You guys beet me to the question. Wonder where he got his production numbers from?

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Probably got them from Ldvd.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Sorry, meant ludvg.

Hope ldvd, if there is one, doesnt throw a tantrum.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Dave Smith

I dont think this is even a 78 Eldorado!    Look at those rear quarters.   Those fender skirts look like 74 vintage.     Note how he wont list the VIN unless you ask for it.   This is probably a 74 with 77 trim and 78 front signal lenses.  Caveat Emptor.

A fine candidate for my "Hell-Dorado" webpage of atrocities.


Dick Heller

Jeff Pendleton #22546

I asked, he said it was a 425 engine, but I noticed the rear quarters too.  One strange conglomeration of parts, huh?  


Bob Dziewit

Those 74 rear quarters really throw this off.  Why would someone go to all that trouble to change the quarters on the 78?  As an aside, I once heard that the last 76 convertible came about when the last top frame what used up.  I guess that means that top frame assemblies were never stocked as repair parts.

Matt Mersereau

Ive heard that rumor too. I tend to believe that the final convertible build schedule was planned out better than just "when the parts run out, were done". That, along with what you mentioned about the availability of repair parts makes me doubt the validity of this rumor.

Picture this; theres ten convetible bodies on the line when Moe and Joe the top installers yell out that theyre out of top frames, "guess we gotta crush these last ten... no tops". But wait... what do you say we build ten super-duper limited roadster editions!! We can call it the Roadsterado!!!

Sorry, I got carried away. Forgive me.

Doug Houston

Im sure that Cadllacs product planners were not THAT sloppy then. Supposedly, 14,000 of the convertibles would be built in 76.

In the late summer of 1975, the ad agency (Darcy, McManus & Masius) did a 30 second commercial announcing the last 14000 ragtops. My 41 convertible coupe was in the shoot. For the 76 car, they installed a set of prototype 76 wheel covers, taped over the name on the grille and stuck the Cadillac script to the hood nose. There were two 76 cars in the sequence, and it was done at a residence back of the (then) Kingsley inn in Bloomfield Hills. I got there at 7:30 AM, and finaly left at about 9:00PM. They did about 35 takes of the sequrnce and the ad was  broadcast. I never saw it.


They are 74 quarters or 78 modified to fit the girdles?


Quote from: Bob DziewitThose 74 rear quarters really throw this off.  Why would someone go to all that trouble to change the quarters on the 78?  