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Bentwrench gone?

Started by Bill Sullivan, July 06, 2005, 10:39:14 PM

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Randall McGrew CLC # 17963

I would vote YES for entertainment value.  BEing a bit of a smart a$$ I appreciate his humor.  However, if it causes the club problems, obviously he is not worth losing members over.  As you said, the Editor has the last word.

So as I said, for all it is worth, YES is my vote.


Quote from: Porter 21919I thought my previous posts already voiced my Yes vote of approval.

Sorry, I missed it.


Bruce Reynolds # 18992


My vote is yes.

But, I agree that the tone of the attempted humour was getting a bit caustic towards the end.   Maybe Mr Bentwrench had skinned his knuckles when the wrench bent too far.

Real humour is at its best when the least amount of words are used, but, I can see where some of the people asking the questions are asking the questions because they want an answer, and that answer, to them, is important.

We do need humour in this world of ours, but it is better to have funny humour than degrading humour, that is, unless you are on the receiving end of my attempted humour.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Steve Crum- former 20999

Funny thing about attempted attitude humor, it bites in ways least expected. Another enthusiest magazine has a similar column. The attitude of the writers, I dont find humorous personally, but many do. Ive been an advertiser in their magazine for over 10 years now and it aint cheap. In one of these columns the writers saw fit to voice their respected opinion of the type of product I produce in a very negative way. Needless to say this brought a very serious rebuttal from me. The publisher of the magazine (one of the writers of the column) saw fit to mail me a letter telling me how un-important advertisers were to the financial viability of his magazine. To this I returned a  letter asking why then were 37 1/2 pages of a 60 page magazine devoted to advertising? also I summited a list of all the advertisers in his magazine that Ive become friends with over the years, and asked him if he would like to send a copy of this letter to each of them or if he would like me to do it?
Long story shortened, Although I did not receive an apology, the columns attitude mellowed considerably. My business rebounded ok. I cancelled my subscription and they never did get the information for a product review article they wanted to do, only another letter warning them not to attempt any article on me or my business, or risk legal action.

Rusty Shepherd

According to the CLC president, Bill Edmunds, it was his decision, not that of the Self-Starter editor, Steve Stewart.


Rusty would appreciate your vote.....Thank you.


Steve would appreciate your vote Yes or No?


Steve Crum- former 20999

ABSTAIN... My post pretty much sums up my thoughts. I have not renewed my membership this year.


Quote from: Steve Crum- former 20999ABSTAIN... My post pretty much sums up my thoughts. I have not renewed my membership this year.

Duly noted.....thank you for your response.

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Ive been in between yes and no because I sometimes got a kick out of his column and sometimes learned something, but I also found him frequently too caustic with his attempts (sometimes successful)at humor and Im pretty sure he really hurt some peoples feelings and some of these may well have taken with them a bad taste about the CLC because of it. Ill vote no.

Porter 21919

Some of us do, if a straight man is better for the Q & A column because no one will get offended or upset then so be it.

My only point is I respect the guy and give him credit for the job he did.

The people that can answer questions about Cadillac repair for the cars that have been built for the last five decades or so are few and far.

A good car guy understands the internal combustion engine and electrical systems, end of story.

You can get good answers here for most all repair questions, more specific from many people that specialize in cars from different decades.

The main point is for people to get the chip off their shoulder and lighten up, hostility serves no one, or the club for that matter. The only point is to enjoy your Cadillac.

Porter (& his 2 cents)

Joe Abernathy #17524

Anyone who has ever read any of BWs columns can easily see that whatever the question, you are in for some ribbing.  In every issue I read he starts out with some humor at the expense of the submitter, and then proceedes to answer the question.  Most times wishing the writer good luck with their problem.

Every month when the SS arrived I would go straight to the BW column.  Every month I got a laugh at his response.  Almost every month I learned something new.  Sometimes that column was the only text I ever read.

Anyone who got their feelings hurt by something written by Mr Bentwrench has a much larger problem than anyhting that can be repaired with advice from a newsletter.  And Im not talking about clogged fuel injectors!

JIM CLC # 15000

Have to agree with what JOE said. I, for one (or more) liked BWs column. There were times that I throught that his answers could have been better, but when you have answer the same question about ten times or more, a person becomes irritated and a silly or bunt answer is in order. BUT I wont cut my throat if he isnt reinstated. As the little boy said when he stubbed his toe, IT hurt too much to laught and he was too old to cry. I dont think we should past judgement until we (the readers) have heard BWs side. Just remenber, there is always two sides to everthing.
Just my .25cents
Good Luck, Jim

Bill Bolen CLC 16085

Kevin Bielinski #13320

Some years ago, I rote a letter to him. In his response to me, he pushed it too far and made a comment that was insulting to handicapped people He upset a lot of members in the CLC by doing that.
CLC Western Regions Vice President
1970 Coupe Deville
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1976 Series 75 Sedan
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1971 Lincoln Mark III
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Wynn Moore

Who is this Bentwrench fellow?

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Quote from: Wynn Moore on April 19, 2009, 08:03:21 AM
Who is this Bentwrench fellow?
He is a CLC member named Bob Morrow who answered technical questions for several years in a monthly column in the club's magazine, The Self-Starter.  The column was called "Ask Mr. Bentwrench" and was billed as "Advice To The Car-Lorn" and as "An irreverant, but highly accurate, advice column by a mechanic who can be called nothing less than a curmudgeon".

Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

Lou, that's  my question. Seems to be a newbie to this board thing. It gets real boring. Start a new thread if you have something to say.  Bob
1968 Eldorado slick top ,white/red interior
2015 Holden Ute HSV Maloo red/black interior.
Too much fun is more than you can have.