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Cadillac Bicycles

Started by Mike, July 26, 2005, 08:33:44 AM

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Last night Jay Leno did a joke about the new Cadillac Bicycles...something about the gas mieage of the Cadillac cars...

Denise 20352

  Do they look European from the side and Japanese from the front, like all of their cars do?

Charles D. Barnette #1465

According to the July 2006 issue of Car Collector, officially licensed Cadillac Bicycles are not letting up. You can now own an Eldorado Beach Cruiser, and out this year is a carbon fiber road bike. The entire line can be seen at TARGET=_blank> Charles D. Barnette

Rhino 21150

They should make a folding Cadillac Bike to put in the trunk of your Cadillac Car. Bike racks are tacky. Functional, but tacky.
Would a La Salle Bicycle have fewer gears?