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Flywheel fit

Started by Jack Hoffman #7042, April 08, 2006, 12:16:05 AM

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Jack Hoffman #7042

My question is: Will a `49 stick flywheel bolt onto a 390 crankshaft?

Doug Houston

The parts book says that the manual transmission flywheel for 1949 is the same through 1951. Now the question: Which 390 engine do you mean?

Jack Hoffman

Joe Gibeault

Oh Boy....I can see whats brewing! Another young punk squealing his tires in downtown Horicon!

anthony burr

hi jack
did you end up fitting the 390 engine. if so was it straight forward?

Jack Hoffman #7042

No, I`m just asking the question for a friend that wants to make this swap into his `49 6207.