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Started by George UK, April 08, 2006, 09:47:25 AM

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George UK

I just visited the modified Cad page.
Its interesting.
  Until E-bay arrived, USA cars in the UK had all sorts of modifications, mainly because the correct parts were not available to us.
  I know this applied in Australia also, because the cars had to be converted to right hand drive. Some awful bodges with the conversions. Im sure Bruce has seen a few.

  I like the idea of original cars,  (that is only my opinion,) but what I would really like to know is, how do you guys get the information about correct engine colours, details etc.

  I love it when a Cad appears on E-bay and you guys can spot all the incorrect details. It helps get my own car right.

  I have a 1959 Sedan painted none original lilac, (pink ). It sound horrible, but it looks just great
  I intend to keep the colour.

Porter 21919


I find there is usually a trace of the original paint on everything for reference, color change is okay if it is a factory color, or for an SO car it can be something different.

Since Im not an afficianado of the color red I cant stand all these repainted red ragtops.

They should have an authenticity manual for your 59, if I had to repaint my 66 the factory color I dont think I would have bothered restoring it. The first thing I did was pull the front clip and restore the engine bay, nothing worse than decent paint but an ugly, rusted , dirty mess under the hood.

The under hood paint is pretty basic, blue and black.

If you like black the body better be laser straight and smooth.

Whatever floats your boat.


DJW #13918

I will give you the same advice I pass on to all those who have any old car. Join the club that repersents that particular marque. There is a wealth of information out there which allows you to decide which items you wish to restore to original (for your car) and which you would like to adjust (modify) to your taste, while still keeping your vehicle consistant with the way the marque could have been ordered. You still may decide to deviate from the available choices, but the more you know, the more you can make informed judgments on how to proceed. Sometimes you may find the going the original, authentic way is no more costly than botching things up. Other times you may find that maintaining authenticity is way to costly for your particular vehicle or your individual budget. With good information you will have the tools to make an informed decision on how to proceed. I personally have two "drivers" that I try to keep original. If I find that they need work on items that I connot afford, I may choose an alternate to the original but I always keep the original parts to pass on to the next owner so my car can always be brought back to original by the next owner should they choose to do so. Your 59 may or may not be worth the effort to keep original. Being involved in the CLC could keep you from making a bad inestment or keep you from making poor decisions. Have fun, its you car and your money, but it is always best to have as much information as possible when making decisions.

Fred Garfield 22310

Hi, George - Try this -- TARGET=_blank>

As you can see, the 59 manual is still in the works. Until then, you can come pretty close to definitive info on various aspects of "correct" restoration by contacting the appropriate CLC technical advisors -- oops! I forgot you havent joined the club yet. I guess you can rely on what you hear in the forum for now. Good luck!

George UK

Thanks Fred.
I think I will join the CLC. It,s one of the best sites, and you are right I find loads of info here already.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday George,

Yes, we need more "out-of-the-Country" Members.

It is worth being a member, and the International Membership Directory that you will receive will surprise you just how many "overseas" members there are.

You may even find someone nearby that you didnt know about.   There are 25 Members in the United Kingdom alone.

Have you joined the Cadillac Owners Club of Great Brittain?

The Tassie devil(le),
60 CDV

P.S.   What makes this site the best is the quality of the Members, and the corresponders.

George UK

You may be right Bruce.
I live in a tiny village set into a mountain in Wales UK.
The population runs at a few hundred.
The village boasts a 1969 Buick Riv.
 A 1970s Lincoln, 3 old Cadillacs including my own "59".1 Mustang. 1 Big Foot Chevy.
a few conversion vans, and 2 Harleys.
I saw a 1950s Corvette near the lakeside I never found the owner.
We even have an Aston Martin DB 5.
I didnt know we had a UK Cad owners club.

Doug Houston

Right now, Im having my 41 convertible coupe re-restored. The guy has come with good recommendations, so it should come out pretty well. He serves the hotrod set most of the time, so I guess that hes uncomfortable having to work to a rule book.

About the only things I did in the sixties when I originally did the car was to use full carpet in the front compartment instead of a carpet-inserted mat as had been in it. I also made my own chsssis harness, mainly because new ones werent available then, and that I had designed harnesses in my job. All that will stay. And As I always do, the car has a postwar Hydra-Matic In it.

So, if some day, someone wants to get back the fine points, it will be a matter of a new harnwss and a new floor mat. They could go back to an original Hydra-Matic, but Id call them crazy for doing that.

Naughty me!

Porter 21919

That sounds about right Doug, improved performance with off the shelf parts, no cutting required. Have to agree with you on the SS exhaust too.

Lots of guys install a dual reservoir MC for safety, and a 61-67 can have front disc brakes with 69 and newer GM parts, weekend bolt on project.

I cringe when some wealthy idiot has to street rod a nice clean car, especially a vintage Cadillac ragtop, or any other nice car for that matter.

There are plenty of builders still out there well past the cost of a factory resto suitable for a little customization, in lieu of cutting up for parts only.


Fred Garfield 22310

Good to hear youre joing CLC, George. Welcome aboard! BTW, do you know what kind of car your countryman, Tom Jones, drives? If its a Cadillac, maybe hed like to join too!


I will definately be joining tomorrow. Lots of nice encouragement from members.
 I did know Tom Jones has a Cadillac.
I dont like his singing much but he obviously has taste.
 Elvis and Chuck Berry are more my style, both Cadillac men, although I believe Berry turned to Fords in the 70s.

JIM CLC # 15000

GEORGE, I, also would like to welcome you aboard the CLC.
After you have received the first copy of the SS magizene, you will tell everyone that it is/was the best spent money ever.

Again, welcome to the club.
Good Luck, Jim