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1949 Cadillac hood ornament

Started by C. Louderback, May 22, 2007, 06:17:24 AM

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C. Louderback

Hello everyone,

I had a question regarding the hood ornament on my wifes 49 cadillac. It is made of a plastic, im assuming some sort of lucite , i havent seen any other 49 cad's with this, there all metal, was this a cheap alternative cadillac came up with at some point? any help would be great!

Thank you,

C. Louderback


Never heard of it, but wouldn't mind a picture for inclusion with other "fake" Cadillac mascots and crests in the club's "Cadillac Database":
Yann Saunders, CLC #12588
Compiler and former keeper of "The Cadillac Database"
aka "MrCadillac", aka "Veesixteen"

C. Louderback

I dont know if i would like to dismiss it as a fake, i really do belive it was cadillac OEM it looks just like a metall one only this is in plastic, and unfortanetly has some damage, i will take a picture of it

C. Louderback

here are a couple pictures, If Yann would like pictures for the database, i will try and take some better shoots of it for him.