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Please help! Suggestions regarding the concept of sponsoring my 1941 Series 75.

Started by 1941-7523, May 10, 2011, 01:55:02 AM

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Well, with the utmost respect for this hobby and preserving these special historic vehicles, I want to go out on a limb and ask for everyone’s opinion. I was looking at the task of restoring my 1941 Series7523 and although I have funding, thought it would be beneficial in maintaining the authenticity of this vehicle, to seek out sponsorships that might assist in enabling me to complete this car to the highest standards. As with anyone with a young family, the designation of monetary support is limited.  :'(  However, with time I will be able to complete this project, although I am concerned that I will have to fall short of my wish to complete this car to as close to perfect original standard as possible, since I am unable to support this hobby like one would that is trying to accomplish this feat. Enough rambling, the purpose of my thread is to ask what everyone thinks of the idea of seeking sponsorships and if anyone would have suggestions.  My idea is one of mutual benefit, as I feel that I can contribute both in exposure and marketing, while providing a desirable back drop in which to support this hobby and preserve another special vehicle. All opinions welcome and I am open to any ideas, but keep in mind that this is an idea, so take it easy on me. :)

Thank you so much,

Matthew Gardner