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1935 V12 Jack and Lug Wrench Info Needed

Started by PatnPat, August 06, 2012, 11:18:51 PM

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I am looking for pictures of the correct Jack, crank, lug wrench and any other tools that might have been delivered with our ’35 Cad V12 with dual sidemounts.

The rear tire well is where I assume the jack, crank, and lug wrench should be stored (see pictures below) as there are “clips” for the jack crank and lug wrench.  The jack and crank I currently have is not correct; the crank will not “clip” into clips in the wheel well.

I am also looking for a copy, reprint, or scan of the owner's manual.  I have the Shop Manual which has a picture of the jack under the car, so I have an idea of what the jack should look like.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Pat Brothers

Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

  You have a nice rare car. Why not search out & buy an original owners manual? I know they're rare, but so is the demand. According to my 1942 MPB, the jack fits all big series cars from 1934 to 1940. Again, a rare but low demand part. You might be able to get one for low bucks if the seller doesn't know what it fits.
HTH, Bob
1968 Eldorado slick top ,white/red interior
2015 Holden Ute HSV Maloo red/black interior.
Too much fun is more than you can have.



thanks for the info.  I may already have a jack.....we have probably 40 to 50 of them from years of keeping "stuff"; most of them are 1920's or earlier.  Would the same jack have been used with other GM big cars like the big Buicks?

As for a little clarification, we took first in our class in a concours  this past weekend and tied for Best of Show.  That's when the scrutineering began.  For the sake of oversimplifying, having the correct jack, lug wrench, and crank was what broke the tie......we lost (but also won most Most Elegant Pre-War).  We are always trying to improve, especially since this is a 35 year old restoration.

I agree it would be great to find an original manual.  I actually thought I had a manual for this car, but.......I am interested right now in the content of the manual, particularly as it applies rear seat adjustments and storage of the tools.  I will spend the winter months searching for my manual or looking for another one!

Thanks again,


Pat Brothers

harvey b

Hi Pat, i have a jack from a 38 90 series,if that is the same i can get a picture of it for you,it would give you an idea what you are looking for.i do not have the wrench for it though.someone on here will know for sure if it is the same.  Harvey b
Harvey Bowness

Jeff Maltby 4194

Jeffo 49er chapter

CLC 1985
Honda Gold Wing GL1500

Chris Cummings

A complete copy of the owner's manual for V-12 and V-8 is included in the following document:

Good luck!

Chris Cummings
CLC 20072


Thanks so much for the response!

I will PM you for more info.  I definitely would like to see a picture of your jack.

The '36 owners manual appears to be a little different, but it does give a good picture of the jack and handle......very helpful!

Thanks for the link.  I did not realize that the Heritage Center now has documents available for download....That is FANTASTIC!!  It gives a list of the tools that would have come with the car plus it will help with a lot of other "stuff" that needs to be done.  I have received documents from them in the past for our '18.  Should have thought of them in the first place.

Thanks all!  You guys ROCK!

Does anyone have a picture of the tools installed in the trunk well of a car with sidemounts?  It would be a great help.....

Pat Brothers

harvey b

Hi All,here is a picture of the jack i have,it was in the trunk of the car when i got it,it was a dark green color at one time,will still work,but it is not the safest thing in the world?Have some more pics of it if anyone else wants to see them. Thanks Harvey b
Harvey Bowness