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Oil dip stick

Started by linchero, June 21, 2014, 02:55:59 PM

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Need to buy 1960 eldorado seville oil  dip stick.

David King (kz78hy)

Chip Iceman sells dipsticks through Chip's Caddy's on ebay.

I just had another run of throttle springs made and it looks like your car could use one.

David King
CLC 22014  (life)
1958 Eldorado Brougham 615
1959 Eldorado Brougham 56- sold
1960 Eldorado Brougham 83- sold
1998 Deville d'Elegance
1955 Eldorado #277
1964 Studebaker Commander
2012 Volt
CLCMRC benefactor 197

Director and Founder, Eldorado Brougham Chapter
Past President, Motor City Region

Rare Parts brand suspension parts Retailer via Keep'em Running Automotive