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Finding the history to my 1966 Eldorado

Started by Peter Gidlow, March 07, 2016, 03:18:16 PM

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Peter Gidlow

Hi Folks,

Hopefully later this year, (not too much later? :-\ ) after an eleven year rebuild (complete body off - nut and bolt) my Eldorado will be back on the road :)

Whilst not a particularly rare model, (by Cadillac standards) I would like to try and find out as much of the history to my particular car as possible.

I have managed to establish that it was exported from Florida to Manchester, here in the UK, some time between June 1990 and July 1991.  From a really grainy faint scanned copy of the Florida 'Certificate of Title' I do have the owners name and address, but alas I do not see the surname in the current CLC membership listing.
I can also just make out a Title number of 9833150 and a date of issue, 13 Dec 1988 (to a new owner?).  There is also another date, the 21st June 1973, which I'm guessing is when it popped up in Florida originally, so presumably it came from out of state?

Being respectful that the previous owner(s) may have passed on, and relatives may not want the past bringing up, is there anyway I can find out where it originated from prior to ending up in Florida?

I did get a copy of the GM production build sheet, but that didn't tell me much that I don't already know.

Any help would be much appreciated.


CLC 23189
Peter Gidlow
Great Britain
CLC 23189

Peter Gidlow

I was afraid that might be the case.

All I really wanted to find out was where it was originally supplied to, from the factory.

Dead end I suppose.

Peter Gidlow
Great Britain
CLC 23189

Rich S

Perhaps the car had a very unique color combination? If so, there might be someone who remembers such a car, if you describe it. However, if it is a commonly built example (trim and color), it may be useless to describe it.

I'm reminded of a rather unique 1966 DeVille Convertible my neighbor owned from 1966 to 1972, when I was growing up. It was Antique Gold, Black Top and Red Leather interior! It was quite impressionable and I have never seen another one like it! (I just thought it might be worth a chance, if your car seems like it may have been "one of one" in a certain combination.) Certain vintage Cadillacs are like finger prints and snow flakes--no two are alike.
Rich Sullivan CLC #11473

1971 Eldo Conv., 2013 CTS Cpe



I spent 3 years tracing the history of my 1966 Eldorado, with limited success thus far.  Your build sheet record has a column titled "Outlet Code".  That 6 digit code identifies the Cadillac dealer to which the car was to be shipped from the factory. 

No CLC member has yet found a Rosetta Stone list of every unique Outlet Code and the name of the corresponding Cadillac dealer during that timeframe.  Some CLC members, particularly Tom Hall, have complied partial lists.  If you will reply by posting your Outlet Code, perhaps another CLC member will recognize that code and identify the dealership. 

Secondly, have you sent an information request form to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles?  They purge their archives after a set time period, perhaps 20 years.  But in my case, the Florida DMV was able to locate and send me copies of a few records on my car from the 1990s (when it was shipped to Florida).  It was worth the $18 they charged me for records and postage. 


Paul Nesbitt

1966 Eldorado - Flamenco Red with bucket seats

Peter Gidlow

Hi Paul / Rich',

After I posted last night I found the Florida DMV web site so will give that a go.

The outlet code shown is 181112, with an order number of 00224; anybody got any ideas?

I've attached a picture of the data (cowl?) tag if that's any help?  According to what I can figure out it used to be 'Crystal Firmest' with an Ivory Conv' Top, both of which are long gone.  It had a black top and had been painted rather crudely (not professional) an off white colour by the time it came into my possession.

I'm guessing it went to a hot state initially, as it had the 'Softray Tint' glass option and 'Climate Control'.

Here's hoping?


Peter Gidlow
Great Britain
CLC 23189



Sorry to advise that I do not recognize dealer outlet code 181112.  All I can say is that it logically corresponds to a dealer on the East Coast of the US -  the codes started with 1 for those locations and increased to 8 and 9 for outlets on the West Coast. 

Suggest you try contacting Tom Hall, Walter Youshock, or Ralph Messina (who is finishing his 2d 1966 Eldo).  Might also try local CLC chapters in New York, New Jersey, and Florida.  Someone will have their 1965-70 warranty booklet containing both the name and outlet code of the original dealer.  While my car's booklet is long gone, my brother noticed one from another car that finally confirmed my car's outlet as Bewley Allen Cadillac in Alhambra, California. 

Good luck in your search.

Paul Nesbitt
1966 Eldorado - Flamenco Red with bucket seats

Peter Gidlow

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the tips.  I'll contact the Guru's and Chapters to see if they can help.

Peter Gidlow
Great Britain
CLC 23189

Rod Dahlgren #19496

Reading this history lesson, I will share my 1966 Eldorado story. My car is a 3-tone red color (code 98 ember firemist). Keepthis in mind as I tell the history as I know it. I bought the car from the son of Johnny Otis who was a well-know musician, band leader and TV show producer in the 50's. His son told me Johnny got the Cadillac from his long-time friend John Lee Hooker, another of the R&B greats. Johnny's son said the two of them drove the Cadillac to many "gigs" over the years and at times towed a Bar-B-Que trailer set up behind the Eldorado (yes, the hitch is still on the car).. NOW here is the REST OF THE STORY: Johns son told me THE Original Owner of the Eldorado was Redd Fox.. I have no way to know tis for sure-- But the cars is tripple red.. AND the last bit of this is: the car is totaly original including ALL of the glass.. UNDER the right front corner of the dash on the small exposed metal between the dash pad and the windshile setting chanel is a painted STENCIL that says: THE ENTERTAINER  ---  OK-- So how did this stencil get there? had to be done before the glass was installed-- Who put it there and why? Yes, I know that "The Entertainer" is the name of a rag time song and a movie title.
Any thoughts on this car?
Did You Drive Your Cadillac Today?

Art Director

Some of us have CLC membership directories from 1990-1991. Please send me a private message with the name and I'll look it up in a directory from that time to find out if that person was a club member back then.
Tim Coy
CLC Southwestern Regions Vice President
Art Director, The Self-Starter, International Membership Directory
Life member, Rocky Mountain Region
CLCMRC Benefactor #102

1963 Six-Window Sedan de Ville
1972 Fleetwood Brougham - RIP
1988 Sedan de Ville - RIP
2001 Eldorado ESC - RIP
2003 DeVille DTS - sold

Ralph Messina CLC 4937


First, I should apologize for whatever actions resulted in your post being “reported to moderator” in my name. I have an automated log-in program on my phone (that shall remain unnamed) that has given me no end of grief. Either I errored with fat fingers, the program sent errant messages or some other glitch occurred…..Possibly some combination of all. I did not intentionally report your post.

I can shed some light on your dealer code 181112. From what I know of these codes the first two digits  “18” indicates the greater NY dealer zone, most likely from NJ. The “111” usually indicates the car was sent to a distributor who may have sold it to a dealer for customer purchase.  As Mentioned above, the best source for this information is member Tom Hall. You can reach him by the Private Message function.

1966 Fleetwood Brougham-with a new caretaker
1966 Eldorado-with a new caretaker
2018 GMC Yukon

Peter Gidlow

Hi Ralph,

No need to apologise on two counts, 1. I hadn't even realised it had been reported, and 2. being the owner of fat fingers myself, (nick name is 'Gorilla Grips Gidlow'!  :-[ ) I can fully understand the non-dexterous fumbling manipulation of digits syndrome  :-\

I'll drop Tom a private line and also send the name I do have to 'Art Director' and see what comes up.

Apart from general curiosity as to its history, had it not been for my hopelessly optimistic outlook the car would have ended up some what unceremoniously rotting into the ground in a backstreet of Manchester, here in the UK.  A fate not befitting of such a fantastic make of automobile.  So a bit like an orphan child, I just want to hold as much together as is possible for its future... now that it has one  :)

I'll keep you all posted on progress, all be it anonymised as appropriate.


Peter Gidlow
Great Britain
CLC 23189