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1951 Under seat heater core unit for sale

Started by wrench, March 02, 2022, 02:41:33 PM

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For sale to anyone who is interested.

It is a little dirty, has some bent fins and the hose connections are a bit bent, not a lot and I don't know if that is how they are or if they are supposed to be straight. Looks like and easy fix if they need to be straight.

For the forum purposes that require a price I will say $75 plus shipping

1951 Series 62 Sedan
1969 Eldorado
1970 Eldorado (Triple Black w/power roof)
1958 Apache 3/4 ton 4x4
2005 F250
2014 FLHP
2014 SRX


1951 Series 62 Sedan
1969 Eldorado
1970 Eldorado (Triple Black w/power roof)
1958 Apache 3/4 ton 4x4
2005 F250
2014 FLHP
2014 SRX