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Two 1953 "Sombrero(?) hubcaps

Started by GBrown #8092, June 12, 2022, 05:43:11 PM

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GBrown #8092

Drilled for both regular or OE long tire valves  (No idea how that happened but appear to have been chromed after that modification).
Good chrome very presentable.  Decent emblems.

Deliverable at the Chicago GN.

$100 for the pair.

Glenn Brown


Hi Glenn,

The 1953 Cadillac wheel covers are quite rare, as they were unique to that year. For decent ones, your price is an excellent buy, especially with the medallions. They are not Sombreros, though.

Cadillac Sombrero wheel covers came on 1947 through 1952 models, and for both 15-inch and 16-inch (limousine) wheels. I don't know details on the 16-inch versions, except that originals are especially hard to find. Good reproductions are available for the 15-inch versions (McVey has them for 1947 through first half of 1951). At least in the 15-inch versions, there were two different Sombreros. The original version was deeper and was used from 1947 through early 1951. The second version was used in late 1951 through 1952 (but not 1953); it attached to the outer edge of the wheel instead of near the hub. The second version was also quite deep and very handsome. Reproductions were made because of the great popularity with customizers (all makes!); those were nice too, but as far as I can tell they were usually shallower than the factory version for late 1951 and all 1952.

Some of these details are discussed in the Authenticity Manual for 1950-1953 models. But I learned about the differences between early and late 15-inch Sombreros the hard way...while restoring a '52 last year. Some folks call the 1954 and later Cadillac wheel covers "Sombreros" (1957 comes to mind), but while also nice wheel covers they are not even close to being real "Sombreros".

I suppose that only someone doing an authentic restoration of a late-40s or 50s Cadillac cares in the least about any of these details.

John Emerson
1952 Cadillac Sedan 6219X
John Emerson
Middlebury, Vermont
CLC member #26790
1952 Series 6219X