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1957 Rear axle seals o-ring drum backing plate

Started by Carcadillac, August 07, 2023, 01:15:14 PM

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Hi, have a 1957 Fleetwood 60 Special.  Have two 1957 axles same gear ratios.
There is a seal that goes behind drum backing plate, will a Felpro FPG13365 work?
Can I just order O-rings for the axle shaft bearings?
Will felpro FPG RDS5396 function properly for pumpkin/center section?

Note:  Appears Passenger side of original axle used a seal bearing, vice versa on the used axle. One open seal" bearing on their opposite axle. Oring sits inside" on sealed bearing, outside on open bearing. Swapping the used center diff to old axle housing as its in better shape.  Both types of Bearings are same dimensions.  The non sealed" bearings both are noisy/worn.  Is a Small bit of play in sealed bearings natural or should be firm?  Uploaded 3 pictures not sure if they posted.


According to Rockauto, the part numbers provided should all work for you. The bearings in your pictures look like they're both sealed but one was installed backwards. The gear oil provides lube for the bearings so if you have the seal facing inwards, the bearing isn't getting anything which is probably why you have movement. I'd suggest replacing them both, I was able to find them NOS with retaining ring on eBay for $20 total not too long ago, I went that route instead of buying the questionable parts out there today. I am not sure if you will find a deal today like I did last year, but I searched RW509 bearing on ebay, not "1957 cadillac wheel bearing"

Hope this helps.
-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean

Roger Zimmermann

Beginning with 1957, one side of the bearing was open and got lubricant from the rear axle. Later, date unknown, the bearings were sealed on both sides.
If you get the newer style, there is just one way to install them: the spring around the seal is going towards the differential.
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101


It seems there are two types of bearing that will work.  Oring sits different positions for each type(inward/outward)
 Axle flange gasket not sure. 6 holes and a weep hole at the bottom.  Uploaded 2 more pictures to the 1st post.


The answers remain the same: The gasket will work and you should replace the bearings.

You only have 4 studs so all you need is the 4 holes. You're seeing 6 holes on the old because they used the same part for the series 75 that has 6 studs and a 6 hole gasket. You will have to cut a slot for the weep hole. Mine didn't even have gaskets when I took it apart so I'm not even sure the function of these, the book doesn't mention these gaskets so I put mine back together without them.

As for the bearings, I would forget about the o-ring location inwards or outwards and just focus on getting  a replacement(s). It will seal regardless of o-ring location. Get the newer style for $100+ each or NOS that are open on one side for $20 each and be done with it. If you get open style - put the exposed side towards the differential. If you get new style, follow Roger's advice and put the spring side towards the differential.

Let us know how this works out for you, it is no fun replacing these parts.
-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean


Drum backing plate / axle flange gasket Felpro 13365 is a good fit/thickness, just have to make a weep hole. What letters come after RW509. Will find out soon if the pumpkin gasket is correct shortly.  Thanks for the replys.


-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean