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"May I have the envelope, please?"

Started by Carfreak, December 06, 2023, 08:58:30 PM

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Its that time of the year when charitable organizations are hoping generous people will open their checkbooks (or credit cards) and donate. 

The CLC Museum is a charitable and educational non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that appreciates all donations, no matter how small.

Many of you receive HIGHLIGHTS a periodic publication of the CLC MRC and inside the most recent copy there was a small white pre-addressed envelope where to send donations.  We hope you will consider to send a donation by mail OR you can donate directly from the website:

VP & Museum Curator Tim Pawl and the other CLC Museum Officers hope members will consider, when the time is right, to donate their vehicles, stocks, literature, memorabilia, other securities from their Estate or at any time. If you have any questions about the process, Tim is a great resource. Museum Past President Paul Ayres can also provide guidance.

Anyone who contributes a cumulative $1000 is considered a Museum Benefactor and is eligible for free Lifetime admission to the Gilmore Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan where the CLC Museum is located.  Recognition levels for persons who donate higher levels such as the Calais Club $3000 to $4999, Deville Donors $5000 to $9999, LaSalle Legacy $10,000 to $14,999 and so forth are recognized on-site at the CLC Museum and also the website (scroll down).

Thanks for considering a donation to the ClC MRC. 
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.


Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.


Barry Wheeler started a topic last year or so which asking people to consider setting up a recurring monthly donation to the CLC Museum.  Thank you to Barry and EIGHT other of the approximate 6800 CLC members who are contributing on a regular basis.  These donations go into the General Operating Fund which helps to keep the lights on, heat & a/c, insurance and other expenses paid. Many more members are making annual contributions which all are appreciated. 

Bringing this back to the top to ask if even a few more CLC members could spare $5, $10, $25 or another amount each month? You likely won't even notice it gone from your checking account until end of the year or when preparing your tax return when it can be counted as a charitable contribution.

My credit union allows me to set up an electronic payment be sent on an indicated basis but recurring donations can also be started through the CLC Museum Donation Page using this link:

Also on the MRC Donation page is information how to pledge Real Estate, Stock or other Marketable Securities. 

If you have a car, collectibles, literature they can also be donated by contacting Tim Pawl, Museum Curator:
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.

Tom Hall 7485

Sue, I always love your support for the CLCM&RC.

The museum's finances need better management. According to one knowledgeable person, the museum corporation (25 directors) is spending over $150k per year on operating expenses. If so, way too much. One big expense is rent on the facility at Dexter, MI, an expense in the neighborhood of $40k per year, for a space to do what, exactly? Have a "reading room" that's open one day a week (Thursdays)? The Museum can secure storage space for its paper collection (which apparently remains uncatalogued) for much less money.

I haven't received an annual report from the Museum in years. They know where to reach me.
Tom Hall, CLC Member 7485, Lifetime member since the mid-1990s.


Quote from: Tom Hall 7485 on August 05, 2024, 09:15:43 PMI haven't received an annual report from the Museum in years. They know where to reach me.

Mr. Hall,

We receive the Museum's Highlight color mailed newsletter several times per year. I don't recall but perhaps their Annual Report including Income and Expenses is included in this publication.

Not sure what the criteria is to select whom Highlights gets mailed to, we have contributed financially for many years and receive the publication regularly. Have you ever donated funds to the Museum? Your name is not listed in the Benefactor Level or higher nor in the Museum's donation software.   ttps://

Any CLC member in good standing is eligible to be nominated or nominate themself for the CLC Museum Board.  With their elections occurring the opposite year of National Board that means candidates will be gathered this winter for voting in the Spring.

I'm not on the MRC Board, just a volunteer offering my time.  If you have specific questions about expenses and the Operating Fund, the best source of information would be the Museum Executive Team including Bill Anderson, Jim Verraster and Rob Leonard. CLC members are offered the opportunity to attend Museum Board meetings during the Grand National and Winter Reunion & Board Meetings. 
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.

Tom Hall 7485

Sue, the last thing that the museum board needs is another director who lives far away from Michigan.
Tom Hall, CLC Member 7485, Lifetime member since the mid-1990s.


There's at least one Museum Director traveling from SoCal to Mich and other locations for Museum Board Meetings & Fall Festival. 
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.


Quote from: Tom Hall 7485 on August 05, 2024, 09:15:43 PMThe museum's finances need better management. According to one knowledgeable person, the museum corporation (25 directors) is spending over $150k per year on operating expenses. If so, way too much. One big expense is rent on the facility at Dexter, MI, an expense in the neighborhood of $40k per year, for a space to do what, exactly? Have a "reading room" that's open one day a week (Thursdays)? The Museum can secure storage space for its paper collection (which apparently remains uncatalogued) for much less money.

I haven't received an annual report from the Museum in years. They know where to reach me.

Mr. Hall,

Noticed the Spring 2024 Highlights sitting on the shelf in my library.  To follow up on my prior response, you can see it has the Museum's Financial Statements included. 

First off, its NOT '$40,000' they are spending on rent but rather $4,290 which is about $357/mo. Not sure where else you would find the amount of square footage in a similar setting (office space in commercial building) for even double or triple that price. 

The Dexter archive location aka Reading Room is a large finished office space which stores the Museum's paper history; two copies (if possible) of every Self Starter, International Member Directory, GN publications, Shop Manuals, sales brochures, any document available printed by Cadillac for our cars including LaSalle going back to 1903. I'm not positive but think some large overflow items may also be stored in other areas of the building. 

The CLC MRC also obtained several large wood crates full of original blue prints from Cadillac.  Plus they have interesting items that aren't able to currently be displayed at the Museum on the grounds of Gilmore Foundation.  Dexter is a location where new donations are received and reviewed - mostly paper but also a vast assortment of 'jewelry', Danbury & Franklin Mint models & promos, misc items from Cadillac retirees, former members and other generous givers.

Alan Haas and Paul Ayres are the main volunteers who scan documents and save them electronically but also review new donations to determine if copies are already in the Archive; are the new donations better condition or extra to be sold at the Garage Sale? They are usually on-site most Thursdays working on these projects traveling long distances from their homes to do so - and NO their mileage is not reimbursed other than possibly being deductible on their tax return as charitable mileage.  Alan drives over 130 miles round trip each visit to Dexter and Paul drives about 85 miles round trip. 

You claim most of the Archives are 'uncatalogued' and I would dispute that allegation too.  Alan and Paul, along with some other Museum volunteers have sorted, scanned and filed many 1000s of items and if someone calls looking for information they know where to find it and are able to answer questions.  Plus for a nominal copying and postage cost, they can provide copies to persons also.  Persons can also visit in person (by appointment) to research on-site.

You indicate the Museum spends "over $150,000 per year for Operating Expenses" but you don't explain that amount not only pays the space rental at Dexter ($4,290) but also covers insurance and maintenance for the Museum owned vehicles, utilities, insurance and other costs for maintaining the Museum building at the Gilmore, publications such as the Highlights newsletter, website maintenance, postage expense and more.  Being privy to some of these items I know the Museum Board does pay particular attention in attempting to control costs and trying to reduce them where possible. 

Do you have any more allegations you would like me to dispute?   ;D 
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.

Big Fins

Tom, trust me. You are going up against a bulldog in this match. CF will not say a word without substantial, hard evidence to prove your claim wrong and hers correct.

This person could be one of the best trial lawyers in the country had it been her chosen profession. Anyone that works within her presence can validate my claim.
1976 Eldorado Convertible in Crystal Blue Fire Mist with white interior and top. (Misty Blue)

Past and much missed:
1977 Brougham de Elegance
1976 Eldorado Convertible
1972 Fleetwood Brougham
1971 Sedan de Ville
1970 de Ville Convertible
1969 Fleetwood Brougham
1969 Sedan de Ville
1959 Sedan deVille


Here we are again about a year later; the CLC Museum Highlights publication should be in mailboxes soon with that little white envelope included for those wishing to make a donation.

Any donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. Please consider contributing to preserving the history of Cadillac and LaSalle vehicles. 

And the Museum accepts more than just cash / checks / credit cards; stocks, securities, life insurance beneficiary, vehicles* plus collectibles and memorabilia.

Last night we picked up this beautiful porcelain sign from CLC Member Steven Taylor. This 1940s era sign from the former Pemberton Cadillac dealership will look great on display in the CLC Museum at the Gilmore Museum. 
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.

Cadillac Jack 82

I'm always happy to donate but I like to know where my funds, even as small as 5 to 10 dollars, are going to.  Not saying the CLC is doing this, but tons of other organizations out there are taking the funds and misappropriating it elsewhere.

CLC Member #30850

1948 Buick 76S "Lillian"
1950 Cadillac CDV "Doris"
1959 Cadillac CDV "Shelley"

Past Cars

1937 LaSalle Coupe
1955 Cadillac CDV
1957 Cadillac Series 62 Coupe
1964 Cadillac SDV

and a bunch of others...


As mentioned above, their annual financial report is included in their Highlights publication, discussed at semi-annual Board meetings. 

And you could probably reach out to one of the board members for more information about specific expenses. Each nonprofit is also required to file an annual form 990 with the IRS. This is all public information.
Enjoy life - it has an expiration date.


I for one am sick and tired of anyone - Mr. Hall - alleging anything based upon ONE nameless faceless seemingly "Whistle Blower", with the intent of denigrating anything or anybody.

If your buddy has a name - let's see it and hear from him - assuming a him - directly and the motive and basis upon which he holds his opinion of the management of the museum.

Upfront, I admit I know little or nothing about the workings of the museum or those who operate it, but it would appear from the postings after the allegation, that they are baseless.

Finally, with those whom I have dealt with personally, I found them to be quite knowledgeable and helpful, and certainly without some nefarious motives.

Have fun,
Steve B.
S. Butcher