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1930 LaSalle - Correct convertible top material

Started by 35075, May 22, 2024, 02:46:15 PM

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Does anyone know of a source for Laidlaw Burbank 016 top material? This was the material used up until the early 1930s for Cadillac and LaSalle convertible tops.

Tom Boehm

There is a very informative section of the Haartz cloth company website ( called "Restorers Guide". Look at these sections:

Look at "burbank" under the glossary section.

Look at "other materials" under the current options section.

Look at "cloth" under the current options section.

Here is a link to the Restorers Guide:
1940 Lasalle 50 series


Thank you for the reply. I have spoken with Eric Haartz and have a lot of information about the material but I am looking for a source to buy some some. The material has not been produced for many years and the only hope of finding some is if someone has a stash of the old material hidden away. Eric recommended Stayfast but it is of a different thickness and texture than the original Laidlaw Burbank material.

Tom Boehm

You have done some research already. The Haartz site taught me a lot when I was looking for authentic upholstery and roof fabric for my 1940 Lasalle woodie. I'm glad you are trying to find authentic fabric for your car. Sorry I didn't know the answer to your question. Let us know if you find it.

Did you try SMS Auto Fabrics? They might have it but be wary. I have heard many stories of their poor customer service.
1940 Lasalle 50 series


I did speak with SMS and they sent me samples. They have one fabric that is very close but the color is way off. I have the original side curtains in the original wrappers that appear to never have been used. I am trying to match the top material to the side curtains. The picture above is from Eric Haartz's original sample book.