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seeking circa 1930 car for movie

Started by Carl Sprague, January 22, 2005, 08:53:09 PM

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Carl Sprague

 We are looking for a classic Cadillac to feature in the film "Disappearances" - shooting in Vermont starting in March. Ideally the car would be a 1927-1933 white roadster or coupe. In addition to rental fee, it is possible that production could pay for some mechanical or cosmetic work on the vehicle. We may also require a "stunt double" for the car. Please let me know if you or other club members have any suggestions. Dont hesitate to contact me anytime at (413) 822 4870.

Thank you,

Carl Sprague
Kingdom County Productions

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Youll probably have to settle for a light color other than white if you want a car of that vintage. As popular as white is today, it was virtually nonexistent as an automobile color until the 50s.  Even other light colors were rare in the late twenties (although less so in roadsters than in sedans), but you might find a cream or light gray (one was called dustproof grey).

Steve Crum 20999

Thinking about it, its just been in the last 30 years or so that white vehicles really became popular. Now it seems odd to see color!