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Started by T.L. (Ty) Stinson, May 06, 2005, 11:06:48 AM

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T.L. (Ty) Stinson

Is there an absolute law forbidding the painting of a 37 7519 in twotone. Considering below side chrome molding in black and above in a light brown. All else being original.

T.L. (Ty) Stinson

Does anyone have a line drawing for the side view of this vehicle?

Warren Rauch

  There is a line drawing in the data book for your body style. It has seat dimentions superimposed on it. If you want a photo copy , email me . Warren

T.L. (Ty) Stinson

Hello Warren:

Many thanks. The line drawing will be very useful. I will use it to consider paint schemes. Thinking of black or dark green for the bottom and brown above. Have not heard if anyone has used a two-tone on the model. I think only solid colors may have been used for the 1937 year although I did find one with a large yellow stripe on black.