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2005 Grand Nationals

Started by Andrea, June 01, 2005, 03:36:06 PM

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I have just recently found out about the CLC and am very interested in what i have read so far. I am in Iowa and see that the Grand Nationals are being held not too far from me this year. I was just wondering if anyone could tell you have to be a member to attend any of this? I am mainly interested in the show and in being able to see all the cars. Just curious if this is open to the public or if it is members only and if it is open to the public where exactly is the show supposed to be held? If anyone can help me with this i would really appreciate it...please either post or you can email me at Thank you.

Michael Stamps 19507

The dreaded GN membership question.  There are two answers:

1) Official you have to be a member.

2) No one is going to stop you from what others have said in the past if you are not a member

Now ... if you were to join now you would be a member and not have to worry about it.


Andrew 10642

I think, in addition to registering as a member, you have to pay to attend any events, other than the judging day.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

In 2002, I found that I had to join the USA CLC club, even though I was a Member of the Australian CLC, which is affiliated with the USA Club, to attend the GN and the functions and tours that were a part of the GN.

But, having said that, one doesnt have to be a member to just go along and look at the wonderful cars that are on display in the car parking area, and it is free as well.   There are a lot of cars parked in the public car parks as well.

You just cant park your own Cadillac in with the Registered cars.

Thew Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV


Quote from: Bruce Reynolds # 18992In 2002, I found that I had to join the USA CLC club, even though I was a Member of the Australian CLC, which is affiliated with the USA Club, to attend the GN and the functions and tours that were a part of the GN.

But, having said that, one doesnt have to be a member to just go along and look at the wonderful cars that are on display in the car parking area, and it is free as well.   There are a lot of cars parked in the public car parks as well.

You just cant park your own Cadillac in with the Registered cars.

Thew Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Hey Bruce that doesnt sound right to me.  I was under the impression that the CLC was an international club and as such, your memembership should entitle you to all privileges worldwide!

In any event, this question comes up every year, and the stock answer is Yes you can view the cars for free that are on public areas, and sometimes even the day of the show, where the cars are usually out in an open field.  In order to attend the other "social" functions you must be a member.

Bill Hedge CLC14424

   I understand not having a lot of disposable income and the desire to receive something for nothing.  Been there, done that.  We all want a “good deal”.  However, if you really like these cars, join the CLC and pay the fee to attend the event.  The monthly magazine is very professionally done and well worth the cost of the membership alone.  Although Jeff Hanson and others have been very generous with their time, it costs money to operate and maintain this website and message board that we all so enjoy.

   After participating in the management and running of one of the grand nationals, I will never try to get in free.  The people that put on these events donate enormous amounts of time.   If not enough people pay to attend, they run the risk of incurring a sizeable financial loss.  Additionally, you will probably miss the swap meet, the welcome reception and comrade of all the people in attendance.  There is a lot more to a grand national than the cars.  Do not cheat yourself.  Heck, while I am on this rant, since you are from Iowa, why not join the Iowa region and give them a hand?  I am sure that they could use the assistance.

   However, if you have searched your conscience and really can not afford to pay to attend, come and enjoy the cars anyway.

Michael Stamps 19507

I dont want to start a big arguement here but I want to respond to a couple of your points.

1) For me the SS is a something to take up a few minutes of my life every month.  I could personally do without it.  Yes about once a year I find something really interesting but thats about it.

2) The cost of webhosting vs. the cost of printing the SS are night and day.  Last time I looked at the CLC budget the SS was the biggest expense of the club.  Maybe someone can provide the figures but Id be willing to bet the SS cost at least a hundred times what the web hosting cost each month.

Just my two cents,

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Well, I suppose in a way I was, but when one has to deal with Insurance Companies, and when most Insurance Companies in USA wont recognise the driving qualifications and the Statutory Declarations of an Alien, Foriegner, or one who doesnt reside withing a USA Territory, then I had to Join the "Mother Club".   I found it impossible to get good Insurance coverage when I purchased a car to tour in 2002.   And, what I got, was next to useless, but at least I was covered?   No Coverage in Canada or Mexico though.   Talk about Discrimination.  

At least, now I receive the Self Starter, and albeit a bit later than you "locals", some of the informatio  contained is relevant, and the quality of the pictures are first class.   But, the Australian CLC Magazine "La Cad" is by far a better publication in both quantity, and information for us Aussies, but comes out Quarterly.   But, with only six States and two Territories in Australia, we have a smaller group to deal with.

Back to the Insurance thing, I was told that to attend the GN, and the events, I had to become a Main Member, to be covered by Insurance.

Whenever Australia takes over the world, then I will have to stay a member of both Organisations.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992


I prefer to receive the SS in print form, as the quality of my printer would only give me a substandard copy.   And, the printed version is double sided, folded, stapled, and pretty darn good.

Plus, I have to have good quality reading material when I am in my Library.

Plus, you have to remember that a lot of members arent as fortunate as others in having access to the Internet, or even owing a Computer.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

I meant to finish with:

Until Australia takes over the world, then I will have to stay a member of both Organisations.

Heck, I have attended more Cadillac LaSalle Club functions in USA than I have here in Australia.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV.

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Bruce, you obviously got taken by that company, but not having coverage in Mexico was not part of the rip-off. I dont believe any US company policy covers you in Mexico, but most, if not all, do in Canada. "Cross-border" auto insurance is a very big business just south of our border.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Rusty,

Well, I got refused by AAA, even though I was, and still am, a member of the RACT, which is a worldwide member Auto Association.   But, AAA recognised us when we broke down in Florida, and gave us heaps of books at the start of the trip.

I made numerous phone calls from the place of the people we were staying with when we first arrived, and none of those well known Insurance Companies would cover us, and their own Insurance Company refused as well.   It seems that as we didnt have a Californian Residential Address, or a USA Drivers Licence, we were being discriminated against.   We owned the car, I was still a serving Police Officer, References, etc, but that meant nothing.

But, funny thing, when we rented a car for the last two days, after we sold the car, prior to leaving Continental USA, and rented a car in Hawaii, we had no trouble getting full Comprehensive Insurance cover.  

The wonderful people at Laguna Pacific Insurance were kind enough to cover us for 25-25-50, but only for 6 months, and that cost us US$550.00. (AU$1,100.00).   At home, I have three cars, fully comprehensively insured, and onme on Laid-up Insurance, for a total cost of AU$550.00 for 12 months.

When we got to Canada, we couldnt get any sort of Insurance, and Canada used to be a fellow Commonwealth Country.   We drove just the same there but was constantly aware of having no insurance.

Never looked like having an accident anywhere during the 14,750 miles we drove through 35 States, but, we didnt venture into Mexico, just in case.   Got to the Border, but that was enough.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Hopefully, when 2008 comes around, Australia will have taken over, so Insurance wont be a problem.  


Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Howdy, Bruce.  Gosh, you did have a tough time, but I know you enjoyed the trip. You were wise not to venture past the south border. Unless things have changed, if you have an accident in Mexico and dont have insurance, you will end up in jail even if its not your fault. Im almost certain that Canada is still a Commonwealth country although it stopped being part of the Empire about 1930, I think; I visit friends in Victoria, British Columbia every year and the Union Jack is flown everywhere and Queen Elizabeths picture is frequently displayed.

Michael Stamps 19507

I wasnt implying that we go to an online version of the SS.  I was  just stating my views on the importance and cost of the SS for me.  Also the cost of webhosting is very minor compared to the SS.


Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Yes, I understand.

I am in the same boat as you.   I dont go to events, I dont attend Local Branch meetings as there isnt a local branch.

All I have is the piece of paper saying I am a Member, and the Magazine to read when I am not doing anything else.

But, it is nice being a member, none the less.  

And, then, I wouldnt have come to know you either.

Wait on, maybe that wasnt such a good thing after all.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Bruce Reynolds # 18992


Yes, I flew the Tasmanian Flag in Brittish Columbia.

The next door neighbour even asked as to why the Union Jack had been replaced.

But was happy when it was pointed out that there is a Union Jack in the top corner of our State flag.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Michael Stamps 19507

You can only blame yourself.  You were the main reason I joined because of the help you gave me when I bought that first 70 Vert.


Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

I enjoy the Self-Starters years after they were published. I have every issue since I joined about 18 years ago and last night I took a large stack of them from the car book cabinet and spent a couple of very enjoyable hours with them. Some of the articles I didnt remember and I enjoyed reading again those that I did. Its also interesting to track the varying prices of Cadillacs and La Salles for sale over the years (which also produce kick myself moments).

Steve Crum 20999

Relax Bruce, Insurance is the worst nightmare of owning a vehicle period. Insurance is the biggest ripoff short of income taxes there is in the USA. Ive insured vehicles for 27 years rarely less than 4, but the average is 3 and havent made a claim yet. Yet add one teenage driver and there isnt an insurance company in the country that wont at least triple the premium, if they take your bet at all.
Amazingly this kid is like me, he hates to drive and does it only when he has to. Hes 17 1/2 years old and still has his learners permit. But the insurance companies still feel hes worth 2 grand a year for decent liability insurance only, on a asthmatic 2.8L powered 1985 S-10 blazer no less.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Steve,

I have been driving for 41 years, and never had any problems getting any sort of Insurance for my Family, even when the boys were young.

And, yes, I have made claims, but never my fault, and never been refused, or had any conditions put on any policies.   And, have always had a "60percent no claim bonus", even when changing companies to get a better deal.

But, the only time I felt discriminated against was in USA in 2002, when I tried to get coverage for the trip.   That really put a dampener on the trip at the start.   It wasnt that I couldnt drive, as I had a fully endorsed Licence for all vehicle, right up to Heavy Passenger Bus and Heavy Goods (Truck).   It was just that I wasnt an American.  

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV