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1941 Cadillac trunk upholstery

Started by Brett Baird #17674, June 17, 2005, 11:20:42 PM

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Brett Baird #17674

Does anyone have a template for the side panels in a 41 60S?  I am  attempting to reupholster the trunk in mine, and the side panels are long gone.  I do know that the upholstery was attached to a hard cardboard or press-board panel.  

A paper template to use as a pattern would be greatly appreciated and most welcome.

Doug Houston

I hate to be the bearer of sad tidings, but in all cars now that age, the cardboard panels have either gone so far out of shape or have shrunken and contorted so as to be pretty much useless. If you do find any panels, cut the new ones larger than the originals and try fitting them, correcting the size each try you make. Ive had this hassle, and its frustrating. You might also try to use some thinner cardboard and just work out new boards from scratch. Id guess that this would be a better approach in the end.

Robert Bothwell CLC # 20850

 Hampton Coach sells a complete trunk kit for a 38-40 60s.
I kind of think your 41 would be the same shape as a 40.
They are not cheap, but the kit covers the sides, forward area and floor with original materials. Phone # is 1-888-388-8726 if you wish to get information.
Bob B.