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$3,500? Hes not kidding.

Started by Rhino 21150, April 13, 2006, 05:01:35 PM

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Rusty Shepherd

But the rust is just on the surface.

denise 20352

  He only needs one person to buy it.  ;)


Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

But the one buyer is unlikely to get it home in one piece:)

Bill Gauch

I dont think its currently in one piece. I pointed that out to my wife the other day. What I really want to know is what do you have to do to a car to get an everything to shift/bend in an identical way. I would say that the car had been rolled, but even the steering wheel is bent into a weird shape that seems to emulated the "new" shape of the body.

Barry M. Wheeler #2189

I saw this the first time around. There are some mis-guided fools out there that think just because junk is old, that they have the Holy Grail, and that people ought to beat a path to their door to throw money at them.
I dont believe there is anything on the car worth twenty dollars, much less what he is asking. After all, the car is not all that rare, and you could get a semi-restored one for about four times what hes asking.
The sad thing is that he is really, "not kidding" and is probably wondering why no one is wanting his treasure. You "young" folks dont remember that a man named Raymond Ganser, from somewhere in Canada, faithfully had an ad in Hemmings each and every month about a group of old cars, probably similar to this one for over TWENTY YEARS. He paid out in ad fees many times the cars worth. Hope does spring eternal.

Bill Hamilton, CLC# 16219

Clearly this person was IN the car as it rolled down the slope to where it now sits!!!!!!!!!!!

denise 20352

  I thought maybe it was bent into the shape of the body who was in it when it rolled.


Rhino 21150

The OWNER was probably in it and bonked his head. When my dad bought the 1938 5019 I have now (he got a 1940 5219) he paid $5,000 and it started, ran 35 miles to take it home. Then the battery died. He put another $2,000 in touch ups and theen I got it. I have spent about another grand. Its a charmer!


Hey, Ive bought worse.... but at a fraction of the price!

Bill Gauch

When I was in the process of getting my grandparents 38 series 65, my evil aunt had various consignment/antique sellers walk through the house with the instructions to "Make an offer on anything you might be interested in." About 10 of them walked through and the only offers were for the soon-to-be-mine car. They ranged between $2k to $5k, with the $5k offer from a Old Car/Caddy guy who said his buddy would probably pay even more. My car is almost complete, next to no rust, and was running when it was put in the garage 30 years ago.

Johnny #662

Guess he hasnt heard that the LaSalle isnt a Cadillac!

Wm Link

A friend of mine pointed out that usually those type of ads mention "No Dreamers!", when in reality...THATS WHAT THEY NEED!

Paul Z

May she Rust In Peace!

Brad Ipsen CLC#737

This beauty was a no sale a short time ago.  Last time up a statement was added that if it did not sell the owner would be looking for a bodyman to come on up and straighten the roof.  I told a friend about it but he declined.  I guess the owner was unable to find that bodyman so now it is for sale again.