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4.5 million dollar 1962 Eldorado

Started by Doug Scarrow, May 14, 2006, 11:21:15 PM

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Johnny #662

Quote from: Paul ZanettiHuh????

My head is starting to hurt!

Paul Z

My brillance does tend to overwhelm people at times.....

Paul Zanetti

Ive just taken a laxative and going to have a good lie down....

Paul Zanetti

Hi Yann,

If it were up to me, you would all have oodles of photos to share and play with. It would be in my best interest to have thousands of images of my car scattered through cyber-space. Unfortunately the Packer Empire (Australias largest magazine empire, owned by Australias richest man, James Packer), run a tight ship and own those images via their UNIQUE CARS publication, who went to considerable expense to harness the photos, flying the editor from Melbourne to Queensland, and the photographer from Sydney to Queensland, for three days for the photos and story. I was grateful enough that they even sent me conditional images of the car, on my request, that they not be re-published except on my personal, non-commercial website. The Packer Empire is also a joint partner locally with Bill Gates (Microsoft) with its Channel Nine TV network website (, so it has a serious internet interest, and I guess thats why they want those pictures (and all their copyright photos and text protected). Its protecting their commercial property.

But as others have said....whats to stop the crooks and the sneaky from stealing the photos at TARGET=_blank> , anyway?????

Regards from Down Under


Johnny #662

[But as others have said....whats to stop the crooks and the sneaky from stealing the photos]

Wow I didnt realize the ramifications of using one of the pictures as wallpaper!!!!!  Far be it from me to bring down Australias richest man and Bill Gates!!!!!!  Oh the humanity!!!!!

Paul Zanetti

Hi Johnny.

While I have enjoyed your postings, and I am sure they have been as highly entertaining for others as they have been to me,I think there must be some misunderstanding on your part. I am starting to see a pattern that you seem to be on the defensive a lot, whenever I have posted an explanation that the photos are copyright protected. I have never considered you to be a crook, as your defensive postings imply. Such postings from you arent necessary. Even when I reply to others comments about why the copyright is on the photos.

I have never said or inferred that you are dishonest. But after I have explained why the copyright protection exists, you immediateley retaliate with a vigorous defence.

My previous posting:
[ The laws only apply to honest people. The crooks ignore the laws.]

Your  reply:
In the words of my all time hero, Richard Milhouse Nixon "I am not a crook"

My previous posting:

My previous posting
[But as others have said....whats to stop the crooks and the sneaky from stealing the photos]

Your reply
Wow I didnt realize the ramifications of using one of the pictures as wallpaper!!!!! Far be it from me to bring down Australias richest man and Bill Gates!!!!!! Oh the humanity!!!!!  

Your previous comment:
Its kinda of ironic that you have some concerns about "copyrights", but saw fit to unmask me and expose me to the entire board.

My reply:
I cant figure that one out. You are the one posting all the comments and replies, with your name and email address. How did I unmask you and expose you to the entire board?

Honestly, Johnny, there aint no conspiracy happening here. Glad you like the photos, anyway.

Looking forward to your next posting!!!!!!

John Tozer #7946


After some of the comments you got, Im surprised you needed the laxative....

Paul Zanetti

Yeah...some people do that to you (LOL)!

Not you Johnny, I hasten to add! I think his postings have been intended to be humourous and sarcastic.

Its been a good laugh!

Now....about Cadillacs.......

Johnny #662

Quote from: Paul ZanettiI am starting to see a pattern that you seem to be on the defensive a lot, whenever I have posted an explanation that the photos are copyright protected. I have never considered you to be a crook, as your defensive postings imply. Such postings from you arent necessary.

I have never said or inferred that you are dishonest. But after I have explained why the copyright protection exists, you immediateley retaliate with a vigorous defence.

Only because you introduced my full name into the discussion.

I submit into evidence your post:

"Gee whiz!

I only added an explanation for John Flemming, who asked why I put a block on the pictures."

Since you found it necessary to mention my name in this discussion, I felt it necessary to defend my honor, with a pinch of humor.

My previous posting:
[ The laws only apply to honest people. The crooks ignore the laws.]

Your  reply:
In the words of my all time hero, Richard Milhouse Nixon "I am not a crook"

I thought that reference was quite clever.  

My previous posting:

My previous posting
[But as others have said....whats to stop the crooks and the sneaky from stealing the photos]

Your reply
Wow I didnt realize the ramifications of using one of the pictures as wallpaper!!!!! Far be it from me to bring down Australias richest man and Bill Gates!!!!!! Oh the humanity!!!!!  

Do you not see the humor in that?

Your previous comment:
Its kinda of ironic that you have some concerns about "copyrights", but saw fit to unmask me and expose me to the entire board.

My reply:
I cant figure that one out. You are the one posting all the comments and replies, with your name and email address. How did I unmask you and expose you to the entire board?

Again, your post:

"Gee whiz!

I only added an explanation for John Flemming, who asked why I put a block on the pictures."

Looking forward to your next posting!!!!!!

I do not disappoint......

Paul Zanetti

Hey John...loossen-up, chill-out, COOL IT!

Your post:
("Since you found it necessary to mention my name in this discussion, I felt it necessary to defend my honor")

My reply:
Sorry pal, but I didnt "mention" your "name in this discussion". You did. Take a look back....

Youve used the same christian name and email for all your postings. Thats not my doing. Its no state secret that John Fleming and Jonny#662 are one-and-the same. Check your own  email address on all postings under John Fleming and Johnny#662. And if I can see that all the way from down under, how about all those much smarter folk than me back in the USA?

By the way, if you were so sensitive about being identified, why were you so quick to clarify the spelling of your name so everyone could be sure it was you? Funny way to want to be anonymous. Use the same email and then make sure the spelling is right. You are a funny guy!

I submit into evidence your post:
("Thats Fleming with one "m", thank you.")

I can only re-iterate, I didnt have you in mind, as I am sure Vic didnt when we made the comment about laws stopping dishonest people stealing TVs, as your name wasnt mentioned. By the way HAVE you stolen any TVs? I can only wonder considering all the protesting being done!

This has been very entertianing, but alas, I have a life to get back to, and there are some kangaroos hopping into my Eldorado!

If you ever get down to Oz, Ill buy you a beer!!!!

Over and Out!!!!

Johnny #662

Quote from: Paul Zanetti[Hey John...loossen-up, chill-out, COOL IT!]

Living in Florida, its all I can do to try and chill out and COOL IT.

[Your post:
("Since you found it necessary to mention my name in this discussion, I felt it necessary to defend my honor")

My reply:
Sorry pal, but I didnt "mention" your "name in this discussion". You did. Take a look back....]

You most certainly did, and I posted where you did, but I will do it again.  Here it is for your dining and dancing pleasure:

Paul Zanetti Thursday, 5/18/06 5:37 PM    
Gee whiz! I only added an explanation for John Flemming,  

[Youve used the same christian name and email for all your postings. Thats not my doing.] Its no state secret that John Fleming and Jonny#662 are one-and-the same. Check your own  email address on all postings under John Fleming and Johnny#662.]

Half right.  Yes I do use the name Johnny #662 in my postings, but never my last name.  Because of idenity theft that happens on the Internet, I used to only use my first name.  Since a discussion was had awhile back concerning the use of names on the board, I added the #662, to give validity to my membership in the CLC.

[And if I can see that all the way from down under, how about all those much smarter folk than me back in the USA?]

Only folks with the CLC directory or access to one, would be able to know my last name.  They would have to take the time, such as you did to look it up.

[By the way, if you were so sensitive about being identified, why were you so quick to clarify the spelling of your name so everyone could be sure it was you? Funny way to want to be anonymous.]

Since you let the cat out of the bag, I figured that at least my last name should be spelled right, just in case Ed McMahon, would come to my house and give me one of them checks from the Publishers Clearing House.

[ Use the same email and then make sure the spelling is right. You are a funny guy!]

Thank you for the compliment, thats what I try to be.

[I submit into evidence your post:
("Thats Fleming with one "m", thank you.")

I can only re-iterate, I didnt have you in mind, as I am sure Vic didnt when we made the comment about laws stopping dishonest people stealing TVs, as your name wasnt mentioned. By the way HAVE you stolen any TVs? I can only wonder considering all the protesting being done!]

Just when you were being civil, you start with the accusations.