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Pest Control Survey

Started by Jeff Burland #12555, October 09, 2006, 09:33:43 AM

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Jeff Burland #12555

Ok, what say? Id rather use something other than mothballs in the cars for storage to keep mice out. While a cat isnt an option, Ive heard of dryer sheets, sticky traps, rat poison and Irish Spring soap bars. The soap I tried and found claw marks and droppings on them after a month. No dead mice found.... Sticky traps and poison are fine, but if I dont check often enough, those little mice really stink as theyre drying up! Suggestions? (be nice)

Paul Flykt CLC # 18899

Check out this link, Ive used Fresh Cab the last couple of years with good results. It is better smelling than mothballs. TARGET=_blank>

Mike Josephic #3877

The critters dont like oil of peppermint.  Soak some cottom balls with it and sprinkle them around.  Mike

Chris Bryant #19358

I have used Bounce laundry sheets with good results for many years. I hope this helps,



Doug Houston

Ive found that some little blocks of pressed stuff, called: "Tomcat" take care of mice and chipmunks in good order. They come in a plastic bucket for about 15 bucks. Put out a few in the garage, and the next morning a few have been nibbled on, but one or two will be gone. Theres some ingredient in them that drives the critters ballistic. I have had a bucket of them in the garage, and the critters have eaten a hole in the bucket to get to the blocks. I think that they have a lot of sugar in them,and probably warfarin. I buy them at farm supply stores.

JIM CLC # 15000

Jeff, Ive heard of people useing a 20 gage shot-gun,makes short work of rats and mice but is hell on sheet-metal!
Good Luck,JIM

Rhino 21150

Bill Bolen CLC16085

The Irish Spring works well for me, at the Jersey Shore. It is NOT intended to kill the critters, but to deter them. I place an opened box in the trunk, in the passenger area, and atop the air filter. Used this system for three years with total success. I hope it continues. I find STICKY STRIPS and POISON = INHUMANE !

Sam Moore #21210

The best mouse trap that I have ever used is a homemade contraption. Just find a small container, at least a foot deep and rig up a wheel centered over the top that spins freely. Bait the wheel by smearing some peanut butter or bacon grease on it. Then, make a ramp with a yardstick that extends to a point just above the wheel. The mice will walk up the yardstick and jump to the wheel. The wheel spins and dumps the mouse into whatever liquid that you have in the container, where they drown. No need to reset the trap. I use water in the summer and windshield washer fluid in freezing weather (adds an eerie blue glow to the eyes of the deceased). Dont forget to empty the trap frequently. I have caught as many as a half a dozen mice overnight with mine. You can get as fancy as you like in building one. I use a small plastic waste basket. The wheel can be made by drilling a hole through each end of a soup can, then flush out the soup. The axle can be whatever you have handy. I used a piece of steel brake line and slipped pieces of vacuum tubing over it to center the can and hold it into holes drilled through the top of the waste basket. This is known as an "Adirondack Mouse Trap". Do a Google search on it for some ideas.