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57 limo

Started by bobbyward, October 29, 2006, 12:28:21 AM

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is there any one that might tell me how to find out a vin #
from a 57 cad limo that was suppose to have been the presidents
car , it is a armour car for sure and its black ?
any idea to see if it for sure was the real deal ?

will russell

Quote from: bobbywardhelp
is there any one that might tell me how to find out a vin #
from a 57 cad limo that was suppose to have been the presidents
car , it is a armour car for sure and its black ?
any idea to see if it for sure was the real deal ?

Check the trunk to see if Ike left any golf clubs there.


there u go, the first hint !

wm link

Seems to me that the president used a 56 limo for several years after 1956, past 1960 as far as I know. (that aint much!)