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Amazon books: beware

Started by Yann Saunders, CLC #12588, December 16, 2006, 10:49:50 PM

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Yann Saunders, CLC #12588

Last month I ordered David Temples "GMs Motoramas" - which, BTW, I recommend to everyone.

When completing the order form, I got the usual Amazon message:  "Most people ordering this book also ordered ... (The Story of the Cadillac Eldorado)".  I knew from the cover that I didnt have that book in my collection, so I went ahead and (STUPIDLY) added it to my order ...without reading the fine print.

Turns out this "Classic Cars" Cadillac book is a kiddies picture book. It comprises, all-in-all, NINE pictures of Cadillacs ...and not all Eldorados [one of them is a "Series 62" flat-top sedan or couope (not even a convertible).

At $22 (for 9 photos) I consider this a rip-off (with all due respoct for the author, Jim Mezzanotte).  I have asked for a return and refund.

Think before buying...