
Please note that, while reinstating users, I have noticed that a significant majority have not yet entered a Security (Secret) Question & Answer in their forum profile. This is necessary for a self-service (quick) password reset, if needed in the future. Please add the Q&A in your profile as soon as possible

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If you are a registered user, please read this.

Started by Jeff Hansen, April 30, 2007, 10:13:19 PM

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Jeff Hansen

If you have become a registered user of our forum, please read the following post in the Forum Help section regarding screen names:,98105.0.html

For those that have already added their name (and membership number!) to their profile, thank you!

Please remember that we require real names in your posts.  If you want to use a handle, that is fine, but you must also include your real name somewhere in your post or in your title or signature.  Failure to do so will result in the deletion of your posts.

Jeff Hansen
1941 6019S Sixty Special
1942 7533 Imperial Sedan