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76 Seville Electric Sparks in Switches

Started by waterzap, February 10, 2012, 12:31:25 PM

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Hi guys,

Sometimes when I use some of the door switches, door locks, window switches, I can see small electrical sparks. Really only noticeable at night when I look “through” the switches.

I can also see some arcs coming from the AC switch when I operate it. I took out all the switches, took them apart and cleaned the inside. Still get the sparks.  Anything I can do or be concerned about? Everything works, just sparking.

Leesburg, AL


Sounds normal to me for any switch controlling a motor- it has something to do with induction.  I recall reading in a Jaguar forum that some people wire up diodes to switches to prevent this from happening.  Supposed to make the switches last longer.  It sounds like a lot of work to me so I never bothered.  I can get you more details if you are interested...

-Mike Beda
CLC #24610
1976 Sedan DeVille (Bessie)


Thanks for the info. If that is the case, and it is normal, I will just leave it. The switches did not look too bad, just a bit of sandpaper to clean.
Leesburg, AL