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1932 Cadillac V16 scale model

Started by Roger Zimmermann, July 12, 2019, 01:40:19 PM

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Roger Zimmermann

The 15 windbreaks are more or less ready: I still have to file the sides to have a concave surface. As those parts were not good for the eyes, I will do something else in between.

612 windsplits.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

For the moment, the windsplits are unfinished as I wanted to do something larger: the hood's sides. I cut two brass pieces, somewhat larger as the finished parts because that can only be done when the radiator grille and cowl are ready. It will take some time to get that...

After making a flange at the top from both pieces, I began the holes for the ventilator doors. The positive die I used for the flanges is the right tool to get the proper dimension of the holes.
I had the ides to make a guide of wood to locate the flange for soldering; if the first flange was correctly soldered, the next flanges will use an aluminum guide because the high temperature was not necessarily good for the wood!

Now I can do the holes on the second hood's side...

613 hood side.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

The RH hood side panel is more or less ready. I still have to ad the pivot point for the spring at each aperture. When these details will be added, I will be ready to make the door's installation.
For the moment, I have to bring the LH hood side in the same shape.

614 hood side panel.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

When I began the hood's sides with the ventilation doors, I expected that that idea would come to a good end. I got some thinking how to do the anchor point for the spring and, when I'm unsure about something, I'm delaying and delaying (somebody in your country is champion for that) until I'm packing the thing and do it. Fortunately, it went rather well. Then, I soldered the hinge I had with the various holes to a door and inserted the assembly, together with the female hinge. I shortened a bit the spring I did before and tried...I had to do a deeper notch at the frame because it interfered with the spring's end.
The function is as I expected; the sole critic I could do is that the aperture could be more generous. For that I should redo all 14 male hinges; as the overheating from the model is questionable, I will let the things like they are.
Now, I can continue with the 13 other ventilation doors ...

615 back side, door closed.jpg616 back side, door open.jpg617 exterior side, door open.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101


Feiko Kuiper - Netherlands (Europe)

1959 Cadillac Series SixtyTwo 6-Window Sedan

Roger Zimmermann

Thanks Feiko!

During our stay at the vacation house, I took two pieces of wood to remove the excess material, giving that way a rough shape of the finished pattern.

For that model, the body construction will differ to what I did before. Here, the first element to be ready will be the cowl, then the radiator surround. The exact length of the hood will be dictated by those two elements and will certainly differs compared to the original dimension.

The wood block on the frame has to be trimmed till I can shape the brass around it; the rough nose is in the background. As the hood's sides are flat, only the top and the small end will be used to shape the brass.

618 Firewall.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

It's always more interesting to begin something new than to continue and finish an existing project...The hood vertical panels were put on hold while I was playing with the wood.
Now, I had to finish this "project" by soldering the hinges to the doors and inside the hood. Not a difficult job, however requiring some attention to have the proper gap at the doors as once soldered, an adjustment is rather problematic.
The most annoying task was to make the tiny springs which allow the doors to stay closed or open. I did a jig to bend the spring steel at the right place, but it was a flop. I used the proven method with some tweezers which gave 14 more or less different springs!
Anyway, the ventilations doors are built as I intended.

619 Hood exterior.jpg620 Hood inside.jpg

1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

To continue with the hood, two elements are missing: the firewall and the radiator surround. Obviously, the first element which will lead the body construction is the firewall. On this car, it was mainly made with steel and some metallic structure. As a convertible, the firewall/cowl must be as rigid as possible; the outer panels will contribute to that goal.
On the short brass sill, there is a "pocket"; the sill will be made with wood and will start into that pocket till the end of the car. I will use soft wood as on the model as the sill will have almost no real function.

621 Firewall.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Big Fins

Roger, I always looked at this thread whenever I looked in on the board. Your attention to detail and craftsmanship never ceases to amaze me.

You create a work of art like this and I can barely draw stick figures.

Beautiful to say the least!  8)
1976 Eldorado Convertible in Crystal Blue Fire Mist with white interior and top. (Misty Blue)

Past and much missed:
1977 Brougham de Elegance
1976 Eldorado Convertible
1972 Fleetwood Brougham
1971 Sedan de Ville
1970 de Ville Convertible
1969 Fleetwood Brougham
1969 Sedan de Ville
1959 Sedan deVille

Roger Zimmermann

1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

The cowl was giving me a hard time. With the dimensions provided by Paul and Johan, I had the idea that it would be an easy job, but it was not: I expected that the sides from the cowl would be parallel from the top to the bottom, but it was not. It was in fact grotesque until I realized that the cowl front end plate was too narrow at the top, my fault. When this was corrected, the sides were still not parallel, but the twisting was acceptable. Is that so in the reality? I just don't know and don't care too much...
I did first the "nose" which is under the hood and did the mistake to silver solder it to the front plate, creating some distortion. Fortunately, as there is a cover on the cowl on those vehicles, this mishap will not be seen.
Then I did the cowl sides, soft soldered on the nose.
On the real cars, there is a molding pressed into the sheet metal; on that molding, a chromed channel is attached by nuts from under the vehicle. I could not do that pressed molding; I had to find another way to replicate this chromed part: there is a step between the cowl and the nose on which the hood is resting on a lacing; I did slots into the step and a thick brass element was shaped to be located into the slots. The original part is made in one piece; due to the different installation, I had to do it in two pieces. A lip resting on the cowl will be added later when the shape is definitive.
The bottom and the rear of the cowl is to be trimmed. From the side, the bottom of the body is making an elegant curve, but for my construction it's a difficulty more as it's hard to make the final shape without the remaining of the floor/sills. The door's post will be added at the rear of the cowl, as well as the windshield support.

622 Cowl.jpg623 cowl brass and wood.jpg624 Molding.jpg625 Molding at the cowl.jpg626 Molding at the cowl.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101


From all my reading on the subject the firewall/cowl is the most expensive part of a car body to create and it influences the rest of the body greatly. It therefor is no wonder that it gave you fits. Beautiful work again.
Age 69, Living in Gods waiting room ( Florida ) Owned over 40 Old Cadillac's from 1955's to 1990 Brougham's. Currently own a 1968 Cadillac DeVille Convertible and a 1992 Cadillac 5.7 Brougham.

Roger Zimmermann

Bill, thanks for the kind words! I also read years ago, that the firewall is the most complex and expensive part of the body. However, I don't think it was the case at that time; it's just a flat piece of sheet metal! Sure, the exterior shape of it dictates the rest of the body. However, if you are looking at more recent cars, the firewall is getting complex and must make room or allow the installation of several elements like brake, A/C or heater...
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

By looking at pictures, the body is so simple looking! However, the realization is more difficult due to the lack of good dimensions. Everything must be compared/evaluated with what I have, pictures are lying, drawing are approximate, and so on...The end result will be far from a genuine replica; it will be more "looking like" a 1932 convertible coupe!

627 Cowl on frame.jpg

Interesting fact: the best pictures for the convertible's profile is in a LaSalle book! The body style I'm trying to reproduce was also used on the LaSalle models with some very minor differences. The proof? That cowl's picture, provided by Johan, was used on the V-8, V-12 and V-16 models as Job 168, as well as on the Al-Weather Phaetons with the same frame/engine choice as Job 273 and on LaSalle models as Job 668. This method of sharing parts was obviously a cost's reduction during those years with low production. The main bodies were also used for the year 1933 with some differences at the fenders and front grille.

Underside cowl7.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Big Fins

Uh...Let's see here. Roger fashioned over 50% of a car from pictures so far.

I'm still trying to draw the steering wheel.

Beautiful, Roger. Don't dismiss your extreme talent.
1976 Eldorado Convertible in Crystal Blue Fire Mist with white interior and top. (Misty Blue)

Past and much missed:
1977 Brougham de Elegance
1976 Eldorado Convertible
1972 Fleetwood Brougham
1971 Sedan de Ville
1970 de Ville Convertible
1969 Fleetwood Brougham
1969 Sedan de Ville
1959 Sedan deVille

Roger Zimmermann

Thanks John! You may understand that it's frustrating not to be able to go forwards due to my inability to convert pictures into a scale drawing!
As I already wrote, when I was doing the wood buck for the Mark II, I went several times with the buck to the real Mark II's storage. Confronted to the real thing, I could make many corrections to approach the more or less correct shape. For that car, I had many dimensions for all body parts as well as many pictures, but it was not enough.
Here, I have some dimensions which may be correct (there are many ways to measure something) plus a lot of pictures but I'm still guessing...
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

One step forward, 5 steps back...Even if I have some experience with brass, errors are always possible.
The first error was that the front plate for the cowl was too narrow at the top. I attempted to correct this error when silver soldering the first elements to that plate, but, obviously, I did some more with the inclination, and so on. Finally, the assembly was too low on one side and the whole was crooked.
What to do? Begin from point zero? I imagined that I could unsolder the latest additions but this is not without risk. Finally, the first element had to go away.
After using a hammer, I could correct more or less the shape of the cowl. I will do a new front plate and adjust it to the remaining bit of the old one and soft solder it to the assembly. When no more soldering will have to be done, I will use some filler to hide the imperfections.

628 Big damage.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Roger Zimmermann

The cowl is now repaired by inserting a bit of brass. At the same time, I soft soldered the channel catching the rain from the ventilation aperture on top of the shroud. There is a rubber hose attached to that channel, evacuating the water outside of the car. No, I will not add the water hose...

629 repaired cowl.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101

Barry M Wheeler #2189

I have not checked on your progress for quite some time and as usual, mere words cannot express my admiration for what you are accomplishing. Best as always. BW.
Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville

Roger Zimmermann

Thanks Barry, I appreciate your comments!

Continuation of the cowl: I wanted to do the posts. For that, as I cannot drill easily holes into the posts when soldered to the assembly, I had to do also the strikers and dove tails to pillar (I hope the denomination is correct).
I'm now preparing also the windshield frame because the cowl's top shape is depending of it. On the original part, what's under the windshield frame is made with wood. I will use brass; it will create less dust!

630 cowl with pillars.jpg
1956 Sedan de Ville (sold)
1956 Eldorado Biarritz
1957 Eldorado Brougham (sold)
1972 Coupe de Ville
2011 DTS
CLCMRC benefactor #101